Disciple of Prayer
Hello everyone! I am coming to this community desperately seeking prayers for my two-year-old who does not eat food and will be starting school for the first time next week. We’ve had a rocky introduction to solids due to his food reactivity since infancy. I’ve eliminated so many foods from my first just to breastfeed with limited reactions. We’ve had three allergy tests performed and all have been negative. We’ve had endoscopy done and so negative and his bloodwork is negative. He has a fear of food and trying new food and once a food has been out of rotation for a while he won’t touch it ever again. He lives on milk and it’s not good because he’s becoming anemic but my only options are to stop the milk and that’s the only calories he’s getting these days. This has made it impossible for other people to babysit him or for him to spend nights at grandparents because I’m afraid he will starve or have a reaction and now with school I’m terrified he’ll be hungry all day. It causes me great stress and depression. It’s hard not to constantly compare him to other toddlers his age. We’ve taken him to countless specialists and I know only God knows what’s wrong. Only God knows why he has a bad stomach every day. Only God knows why my son refuses to eat and only God can heal him and our family. Please pray for him and my family. We are in need of a supernatural and speedy healing and miracle. Please pray for God to heal my son of all his food adversity and to lead us to the right doctor and fill them with the knowledge to properly diagnose my son’s stomach issues.