Prayer Partner
Dear Father, Son and Holy Spirit I know that You have a plan for my life and I know it's a good one. I know that part of that plan is for someone to one day walk with me each day until you take me home. I've wanted this since I was a young girl. You know me, and You know my likes and dislikes. I ask that You provide someone with who is around my age, who will love and accept me regardless of my past, my mental health issues and neurodivergent conditions such as ADHD, etc, who believes strongly in you, who is patient, caring, loving, humourous, affectionate and more extroverted than I am. I need someone who will pursue me, initiate the relationship and lead in the future marriage in a masculine but loving way and someone who enjoys music, nature, animals and life with me, and most of all someone who will lead me closer to you...I can't be with someone who can't or won't lead in the marriage. I also pray to find someone who will not put me down, disrespect me, use, abuse, gaslight or manipulate me in any way nor use my social skill weakness as a way to get something they want with little to no regards for me and my heart. If someone has previously misjudged, misunderstood, rejected or written me off as a potential date or spouse and has since had a change of mind and heart or even received a revelation leading them to take another look at me then I'm very open to them, I will hear them out and if I'm meant to be and led by you to be in a relationship with this person then I'll happily give them a second chance. All they need to do is come up and talk to me, get to know me better and give me a chance or perhaps a second chance too...You give people so many chances so I should do the same should this scenario arise. If there is someone who is conflicted regarding any feelings they may have for me or they're not sure whether or not they want to pursue things with me then I ask you to speak into their mind, heart, soul and spirit, give them clarity and guidance, and direct them one way or another. I will only be open to this person once they have it all figured out and I will give this person a chance if I'm meant to be and led by you to be in a relationship with them I've already forgiven those who have misjudged, misunderstood, rejected and written me off no matter how heartbreaking it's been for me as it's usually a sign that I either wasn't right for them, they weren't right for me or both of us weren't right for each other at that particular time. I know these are very small details, but it will help show me you are listening. May this person be someone who ferociously pursues You and Your will for our lives. You know that I need someone who can at least try to understand how I think and see the world, and be happy and amazed by it rather than be scared or put off by it. Show me the person who will put You first, guard my heart, and will not give up when life gets rough. Father, I ask that you provide someone who would love me as you love me. Father, right now I am so wounded after so many rejections and the few less than ideal relationships I've had in my life, please take the fragments of my tired,weary and broken heart, I know so many pieces are missing, and I trust that you will put it all back together again so that one day I may love again. Father take my anger, my bitterness, my sadness and any other negative feelings I have toward any ex partners or love interests that didn't reciprocate my feelings. Please give me the strength to prevent these feelings from creeping into any future relationship I have with my future husband whoever he may be as that will be a brand new relationship that will need to start from the ground up... As they say "Don't take old bricks to build a new house" so I'm going to need brand new bricks to build this house once I meet my future husband if I haven't met them already. I ask that you show me when to date again, and who to pursue. May this person be in love with You first. May our lives reflect Your goodness and grace. I pray this prayer in your name. Amen 
Thank you in advance to everyone here who is praying for me and God bless you. ###