I have a lot of details and even though I have shared them in the past, many people accused me of lying on the CPS/Reddit forum (of which I have never lied, God as my witness (ask Him and He will tell you, I am telling the truth). I am thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ because you guys have never accused me of lying but have prayed for me and my family, time and time again. For that I am so eternally grateful. Last year, and this year were the two most difficult of my life, I had a difficult health journey after getting my thyroid cancer & gland removed. Then, I began to have so many health issues, fainting spells, POTS/Fibromyalgia/Lyme Disease type of illness, I also had pain in my joints, they would pop in and out of place, I would go to the drs and they would dismiss me as "anxiety" or "anxious"... or prescribe me all kinds of things and never look into the root cause or refer me to doctors and just assumed it was in my head. I felt my health was deteriorating rapidly, so many times I almost died, but the Lord kept me alive. In 2023, Jesus blessed me with a baby, I got even more sick. I had been in and out of the ER too many times to count, and the doctors, were completely and I do mean COMPLETELY compromised by the enemy. All except for one doctor (I thank the Lord for him because he has been so kind to me, even though the enemy tried to use him too). It was only a few ER nurses that felt bad for me and prayed for me (out of dozens). My pregnancy was rough from start to finish, my doctors again, largely unhelpful and compromised by satan, did not help me. In fact, I was falsely accused of drug use by a doctor, she insinuated I was on drugs and basically requested my consent for a drug test, she said "high bp is caused by drug use, you don't do drugs do you? maybe your partner? what about someone in the household? what about a neighbor? you don't share a kitchen with anyone do you?" and that was awful, because I was not on drugs, I had pre-eclampsia and had all the markers for pre-eclampsia. Again, God as my witness. Then a nurse placed an IV, burst a vein and left a giant bruise on my wrist, that following day I had to go back for a second steroid shot. The nurses their saw the bruise (caused by the nurse-the day prior) and saw my tailbone pillow and assumed I had been in an abusive relationship, began to treat me weird and ask all kinds of questions (as if the dr's accusing me of drug use wasn't bad enough). I now went from a 6 month pregnant woman, to a "pregnant woman on drugs and in an abusive relationship". After those steroid shots, I was in grueling pain and suffered for about a week with extremely high bp, because the trauma of going back to the dr was so bad, but then I'd begun to have contractions. So a week later I returned and was admitted into the hospital, the following day, I gave birth via c-section at 7 months. My bp was not responding to meds, mag drip, or anything else they had given me. My baby went to the NICU and I went to the postpartum area of the hospital. That was difficult, the bp meds made me very sick and I would vomit them, the catheter wouldn't work and one of the nurses at the time didn't have clean gloves on and gave me a UTI (Klebsiella). Anyway, I knew I was being treated strangely by the NICU staff but I was too weak and sick to say anything. My husband would come visit and wheelchair me down to the NICU and we would spend time with our baby girl. The staff (that I had NEVER talked to) would ask about my other son, or comment about his health, so I knew something was up... I wondered if maybe I was on too many meds or something and just couldn't remember prior conversations with those strange women... but clearly they were up to something, I just didn't know yet. The lactation consultant texted me, a mother there also texted me (staff), saying how much they could help me and be of great use because "they had been there and had early babies too", it was a lie, in reality, they were sent by a social worker to gather information on me. The day before I was discharged from the hospital (7 days after c section), the nurses kept asking me if I was going to go to the NICU to visit my baby. In reality, the Lord revealed to me that it was because the social worker wanted to go through my bags (without my consent) and I had felt so bad that I had stuffed crackers in there and water to save and possibly encase in resin LOL (but that was bad because it made it look like I was hoarding food). Anyway, I go to the NICU on a time crunch to see my baby alone because I wanted to see her before I was discharged. Upon arrival, the NICU nurse looks at me with evil eyes... she's watching my every move. I ask her questions and say hello.. she does not reciprocate the energy. She is speaking about my baby, then asks, "Do you smoke?" I was so caught off guard, looking at my baby in the incubator... she was only 4lbs then... and it was so evil. I respond with "no, I don't." she leaves to her desk and begins to type.. and I am looking at the time, knowing I need to go back upstairs for meds, the nurse says "The social worker wants to see you." I said, "well tell her to come meet me upstairs." and I call for a nurse to wheelchair me back upstairs. My heart is beating out of my chest... and I am so confused. I go back upstairs the nurse gives me meds that I cannot bear, they confuse me and make me drowsy and a shell of my former self. but I comply so that these nurses can leave me alone and I can be discharged. The social worker comes in as if she didn't just enter my room to look through my things. (must be nice to play pretend). She sits down and asks me if she could "give me some information"... oh I mean interrogate me. She begins to go through the packets, and at this point I do not have a lawyer present, if they can even show up at the hospital like that (I don't even know if it's legal) but whatever, so she comes in and she begins to "give me informational packets" about all kinds of topics, carseats, resources, and then she highlights drug use, and she begins to ask me questions, about my husband, where he works, my son, his age, and then she asks about drug use, drinking, what I think about it. I feel sick to my stomach and I cannot tell if it's the meds or something evil, but I feel it. She says that's all, leaves the room, immediately after leaving she calls my husband on his cellphone, asks him the same questions, to see if our stories corroborate. They do, because we weren't lying. My husband comes to pick me up, and we head down to the NICU to say goodbye and I am discharged and go home without my baby.
It is there, that I get calls from the NICU staff, texts from the lactation consultant, and they are calling me and asking when I don't go in... "hey, did you not come in today.... because you.. were resting???" for some reason they thought my husband was holding me hostage (again delusions from the enemy) because I was at home recovering from the emergency c section. I said, "yes, I am at home resting" amongst other things... they would text and fish for information, but I had nothing to hide and no information to give. Their acts continued. My daughter was a superstar and by the grace of God, left that NICU after 2 1/2 weeks. when they said she would be there for 2 months. But everyday, I had so much PTSD from the treatment in the hospital that I couldn't function, I couldn't sleep, eat, every appointment, oh, I just would be trembling, terrified they would take my baby girl from me. It broke me. My entire pregnancy, I had not drank, I don't smoke, I didn't even take painkillers except for tylenol (as advised by the dr) only to find out I was allergic to the tylenol (God's sense of humor). The doctors told me "take tylenol" so much, that He made me allergic to it and they had no excuses not to help (they still didn't try). So, anyway, at her 1st pediatrician check up, we spent almost an hour or so, with a lactation consultant, she was friendly but was watching my husband and I like a hawk. Analyzing everything we said, we did, and didn't do, I didn't trust her, she gave me a bad feeling but my husband seemed to warm up to her. She didn't give me a reason to NOT trust her, but for some reason, my discernment was telling me not to, and I didn't say anything unless I was spoken too, I didn't engage with her, unless she engaged first. At one point, a fly began to fly in the room and I was easily distracted, the nurse asked me what it was that I was looking at... I told her the fly. What I didn't tell her was that the pre-eclampsia had caused spots in my vision and they were so bad and big that I couldn't help but look at the spots. With the BP meds, it was even harder. I played it off and we saw the 1st pediatrician, she was cordial but something was still off and I couldn't pin point it. I figured maybe it was just a culmination of all the trauma that transpired within recent weeks. Anyway, a few months later we see her pediatrician (a different one), my son's pediatrician, Dr. L, and she is gentle, kind and calms me, I feel I can trust her and she is reassuring and that was wonderful, until my daughter's last appointment. We had gone 6 months without any red flags, but I knew deep down I needed to wait... and sure enough there it was, my discernment. Something felt off in that visit, she was difficult to pinpoint but she was not as warm, my ptsd allows me to pick up on micro expressions. She seemed off, she didn't ask the questions you usually ask at a check up, rather, she kind of was allowing us to lead (which seemed nice) until it felt off. She then began to whisper, "we are going to vaccinate her, on schedule, and then maybe covid-19, then RSV later down the road"... and she knew that I didn't get those shots for my older son, so why would I get them for my daughter? she whispered it too. In my medical history, my doctors have known that I tend to research and push back when I feel they are not listening, they probably labeled me as non-compliant or something. All of this medical stuff has really, taken a toll on me. I have severe ptsd, it isn't even a little bit... it is years of being medically gaslit, and losing trust in the system. It is having doctors falsely accuse me, lie to me, and try to manipulate me. I probably sound crazy, but again, God as my witness. So I requested my medical records and I was taken aback. Since 2020, my primary care physician had dismissed my pain and suffering, and had written in her notes, comments about how I "described things" or lack thereof... and basically began the entire process of assuming I was being abused. Since then, the enemy had been plotting for my demise, I had no idea. Recently, I found out that I have discs that are rubbing together and basically worn down, that my spine is so bad that it is turning arthritic, the x-rays prove that. Had my doctor actually listened to me then instead of planting biased comments, maybe I could've done something about it. She had prescribed me muscle relaxers and pain killers, and said there was no way "your joints could pop in and out of place", well the popping in and out of place thing became more prevalent with my pregnancy and my joints QUITE LITERALLY would pop in and out of place. Doctors dismissed me as anxious and clearly, didn't care to look into it. The comments from other doctors are there, a lot of medical files are missing, ultrasounds, x-rays, etc. They are not in the medical record that I requested. And at this point, I am incredibly tired of the games that the enemy is playing. So may the Lord, continue to uphold our health, our family, may Jesus Christ be our fortress, may we be divinely protected, under the shadow of the Almighty, and may these weapons be removed entirely. My daughter will not be a pawn in satan's games, my son will not be a pawn in the enemy's hands... my Children belong to the Lord, I belong to the Lord, My husband belongs to the Lord and we will continue to remain under Yahweh's protection, forever and always. We rebuke any evil, attempting to set itself up our family.
I forgot to add: after being discharged from the hospital, 7 days postpartum, my c-section began to be itchy/oozing, and so I spent 8-12hrs in urgent care. My husband bought me taco bell and helped me out with anything I needed, I didn't bring my pump parts or anything like that because I assumed that maybe it would be quick. Visit my baby and head to urgent... well 8hrs later, with nothing to eat or drink, I was thirsty. A nurse there came to do the end of the night rounds, I asked to please be sent home because I was tired, many people left that night. and my husband sat in the hospital with me and took care of me. Both of us very sleep deprived, and the drs came in and asked me questions, checked out the incisions, gave me ointments and q tips and other items to clean the wound. Well, the nurse sent my husband to the pharmacy to get my medication, she looked at him and said, "Sure, can you just pick up the meds at our pharmacy it's right down the hall, they close soon", so my husband agrees, she then says,"You do know her birthday right?" to which my husband replies,"She's my highschool sweetheart, we've been together like 18yrs, it would be kind of weird not to know her birthday." The nurse comes into the room and says "are you okay?" and begins to act so strange again (at this time I hadn't known what was going on, just that I felt like I was in the twilight zone), and I say, "yeah." She then makes a comment like "Oh yeah, your high school sweetheart, and she says "You guys have been together 18 years?" and I respond, "yeah childhood sweethearts, and "not 18 years.. more like 15" and she goes "riiiight..." and she tells me that her and her boyfriend are the same, to which I respond, "oh that's great.." something like that.. and she thought I was insane or something... sent me home with tons of medical supplies. .... Well upon reading my medical record, they like to comment on how much I go to the ER, and why I 'show up" lol... maybe because I need help... genuine help... and not the insane mind games they play.... so anyway had to throw that in there. And Again, Ask the Lord... to reveal to you if I am telling the truth, pray about it I encourage you, because God as my witness, I have not lied. The enemy wants to destroy my family, attempted to kill me, my daughter, and has tried to get my children taken away from me, BUT GOD. So please, pray for us. We could really use all the prayers we could get. Not just for my ptsd, but for protection, thank you. And again, it is not what they say, many times, they are just following procedure, but it is HOW they say it, their body language and reactions, typing this up I know I sound crazy lol, but trust me, you'd have to be there to know I am not lying. We share our experience with our friends and they shared their experiences too. One of our friends said that at the hospital the nurses walked into the room (she had an abnormally large baby) and they began to ask her why she wasn't taking her diabetes medication and why her baby was so large..... basically interrogating her. To which she responded, "I don't take diabetes medication, I don't have diabetes. I just have a large baby." and our other friends, who were in the military also said, that (a hospital in the same area) did the same thing and basically acted like he was beating his wife and they treated him in a different way... so it wasn't just us that had this happen. Which is some messed up way was kind of comforting, but also, not... because I would've rather this never happened and not have ptsd. Anyway, long rant there, because I know people will look at a post and assume the worst. God Bless.