Faithful Servant
Dear Heavenly Father of our Salvation Yahshua HaMashiach Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank You for Your Loving Kindness, Your many Blessings and Your tender mercies. Please be will all of us who call upon Your name and answer our prayers according to Your will. Please be with my children Tana, Adonis and Kya. Help them and cover them with the blood of Yahshau protect them and work in their lives. Yahshua break and cast out all demonic activities against them in their lives. Please bless my sister Miriah with favor of obtaining employment. Please have the Holy Spirit to be with her and guide her and all blocks of her obtaining employment be pulled down and cast out in Yahshua name. Please be with my family out at my moms house and bless them with your presence and work in their lives. Forgive us of our sins that we committed against You or anyone made in Your image. I love You and I thank You in Yahshua name I pray amen.