Praying for my relationship with my daughter Sabina that's been very tumultuous and we are in ministry together she's the worship leader and I'm the preacher and we also do Street ministry individually and to the outcasts and the poor and the drug addicted! My daughter is a former drug addict but ever since she got off a drugs around 15 years ago she's been drinking the drink called kratom and I feel that it's hurting her body she has a lot of stomach issues and like my granddaughter and my sister she's battled anorexia and she's very skinny and her stomach hurts to eat she eats very little I'm praying for her to see that this kratom is harming her she's not very receiving of my advice and it always ends up with a spirit of offense in Jesus name! My concern for her health my concern for this guy Dean Johnson who's older than her own dad who's been wooing her and serenading her and I feel like she's enjoying it and she's not being real about it she received gifts from him and many favors that he does for her I thought he was just a friend and he is just a friend but he's not a real friend because his motives are too enticer and I felt the Lord show me that he was a snake and that he can't be trusted his motives are not pure regarding my daughter and even trying to befriend me so I have made my opinion known that and other things is bringing a wedge between us and I don't like it because when we operate together in the spirit it is so powerful it's like dynamite and Satan hates it and I'm buying the hand of Satan and all of this and today she said this is not Satan it's you you and she keeps blaming me! The devil is a liar I'm also praying for her health her healing emotionally physically and mentally as she starts her new job in a week or so I pray that they would accelerate the process of the paperwork so she can get working and be out of the house and not bumping heads with me all the time I pray that God will anoint her new position as a teacher and an autistic class of high school students and I pray that God would give her the Right aid the right coworkers but this job will be a blessing and not a curse because the last job she was tormented at and it was chaos there and she had to resign from her position! I pray she would sell paintings and I pray she would have a humble in a country right heart I pray against sibling rivalry between her and her sister and I pray against sibling rivalry in my family my family is all segregated right now and separated I come against the spirit of family alienation and I lose family reconciliation restoration the love of God everybody has confessed Jesus as Lord everyone has been born again but everyone's at different levels of hunger and thirst and some don't believe in the Holy Ghost fire like we believe in praying in tongues so I just pray that God will minister to all my family and we can come together on common ground that Jesus Christ is Lord and that we need to forgive one another love one another and not be so alienated I pray for the mercy and grace of God to intervene and intercede for my family praying for my daughter Maria to surrender all to Christ praying for my spiritual granddaughter Tracy slaven in her group home to not be abused and that if that's not the right place for her God will intervene and bring where she needs to be so she can get back into church I'm also praying that what a Maria and my daughter Sabina will start loving each other and that Maria and Destiny will go back to church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth give Maria and Destiny a hunger and thirst for Jesus I pray father for Destiny stepdad Justin to get off of drugs! I pray father God that you would reveal yourself to Justin and I also pray you would reveal yourself to her real dad Chris and Jesus name and that both