I need prayers because for so many years I’ve had maladaptive daydreams, which are essentially fake scenarios in my head of situations and people. I’m realizing the damage that it causes to my own heart, especially when things don’t turn out how they do in the daydreams. I envision what I want things to turn out to be, and forget that God has a bigger and better plan. I just met a man, and for the first time in years I feel like I’ve fallen in love with the Jesus in Him. He’s the first Man of God I’ve met, but he lives in a different state and is older than me. Please pray that if it’s in His will for both of us, that we can make a relationship work out in the future that’s built on Christ. That He prepares both of us accordingly for our future spouses (even if it isn’t each other), and that my heart’s desires can change to what the Lord desires. I don’t want to jeopardize the relationship we could possibly have with my own fantasies. I think I like this man in a romantic way, but I keep on getting lustful thoughts in my head about him.