Humble Servant
Prayers for life and depression. Please pray for me as I have been struggling with depression ever since my injury from work. It’s been over a year since my injury. 14 months and work comp still hasn’t settled. I’ve been to numerous doctors of theirs and even their physicians agreed with mine that my physical limitations are disabling. My attorney is handling this but I just want my life back. My work won’t even contact me anymore and it’s like any new medication I need gets denied even though I still pay for insurance. They haven’t been able to let me go yet since work comp hasn’t settled. Me and my family had plans on moving this year even before this accident happened. We were relocating our jobs and moving to our property up north. Everything has been put on hold as we can’t afford anything. My husband just went back to work after being in hospital with pneumonia. We’re surviving right now as most people are. My depression has taken its toll as I’ve been crying most days and at some points feel that maybe I shouldn’t have lived through my pulmonary embolism. My family would’ve received my life insurance and then used it for wrongful death. I know I shouldn’t think this way but it’s hard when so much is thrown in my life. I walk with a walker, I can only walk, sit, and stand in 5-10 intervals. Chronic pain, lung issues now, chronic DVTs, medications for life and lifting limitations. I can’t run with my grandkids, do all the things I used to love to do. I know life isn’t fair and God has a plan but I wish He would let me in on it. I pray all day long and reach out to my Pastor but I need prayers for resolution and guidance. In God’s holy name. Amen.