Hi I got sectioned in hospital a couple of weeks ago. The home treatment team were visitng me twice a day i was taking my tablets polite friendly answerinfg all their questions and giving my testimony for God and warning thm and quoting scriputres. This happened for 3 weeks. Then all of a sudden they turned up with about 7 of them and 2 pollice affices with no notice said they had concerns incuding a false accusation fro mmy ex daughter Kaya. She said I made a video and posted it o nmy youtube channel treatening to hurt my 3 grandchildren the 'powrs that be' hav brought this up with me on 6 or 7 occassions and every time I answer obvioysly well where is this video let her bring the evidence if she is of the truthful. She is a powerful secret witch Jesus only revealed that to me receently. I know she used to be into paganism on and off but had no idead how deep. they say i am psychotic but i am had a nervouc breakdown cos of the streess wit her and usptarit neighborus
i had a tribunal yesterday to try and gt them to lift of the section law order keeping me in mental hospital but it was refused. The doctor said i can have 5 hours leave tomorrow first of all he said today then he changed it to tomorrow so i hope he sticks to his word and doesn't give me false hope. they will pay for a taxi cab to my place and adam my old comrade from the socialist party will mneet me there with my darling Whitepaw cat and help mne clean and then hsopital will pray for taxi hope. If you have time please pray that it happens and all goes well. they injected me today Messaih said just agree and calm down on beinng 1000 per cent religious all the time and I should be out in a couple of weeks.
i had a tribunal yesterday to try and gt them to lift of the section law order keeping me in mental hospital but it was refused. The doctor said i can have 5 hours leave tomorrow first of all he said today then he changed it to tomorrow so i hope he sticks to his word and doesn't give me false hope. they will pay for a taxi cab to my place and adam my old comrade from the socialist party will mneet me there with my darling Whitepaw cat and help mne clean and then hsopital will pray for taxi hope. If you have time please pray that it happens and all goes well. they injected me today Messaih said just agree and calm down on beinng 1000 per cent religious all the time and I should be out in a couple of weeks.