Holly B.
Prayer Partner
Hi everyone, so I was released from my job because I had the flu and at the same time my husband was released at his job because of the situation in court. It's been a while but today he finally had an interview as a maintenance man and he said the interview went well but they have to look at his background so please pray that there is nothing on it that would hinder him from getting this job. In the meantime I am helping doing home care here and there with a family but I also met with another patient's family yesterday to do overnights. They need to train me and they said if the mother likes me they will hire me which I believe she does because she was nothing but so kind. We are asking that we both received these jobs if it is God's will and start a new year fresh with a new chapter. Also, I have my first court date trial on the 27th early in the morning until 5:30 p.m. which I have a little bit of nerves going on about because I've never been to trial. I'm praying that the Lord takes over this trial and we win it and I have nothing on my background to hinder me in the future. Thank you all so much for your prayers. We also have a friend who is staying with us who has nowhere to go, he is trying to get into programs or get into a stable living home but for now we are taking good care of him. Please pray that the Lord will open the door that he wants him to walk through. Thank you all so much and we thank you Jesus we believe it and receive it all by faith that He will make everything come to fruition for our good in Jesus mighty and precious name amen!!