Prayer Partner
Hi and thank you for your Prayers for my success in getting fine weather for my ### Market. I am happy to report that the Prayers were not a complete success, however I did go to the market in faith but I prepared for the worst. I didn't put out everything and what I put out I was certain was not easily water damaged. I also prepared plastic sheeting to cover things that would be damaged by water in an instant. The rain did come later in the morning as a heavy drizzle and it lasted for nearly 1 and a half hours. People stopped buying and I sat cold and miserable for that period at one point I considered just packing up and going home, the market organisers came and collected the rent and I was disappointed they didn't offer us any discount for the bad weather. After that one and a half hours the rain broke and the skies cleared up a bit and I was able to sell a bit more and it didn't rain again till I had packed up. I got only half what I would have usually taken at this market but that plus what I took the previous day at the poor market which I had to do on Saturday because my usual venue was cancelled was enough to push my savings up to pay my power bill. It was not a complete success but it did the task of meeting my goal. However I still have another 2 more big bills to pay by the end of the month and I also need to find about $### to pay my accountant so she can finalise my tax return and I can get some money back for that. Also I am worried as my stocks are dividling as I sell things just to pay bills, but will run out as I don't have the money to purchase more stocks from my suppliers! I have 30 odd head of goats I would like to sell some of them to destock as it's also costing me a lot to feed them but the last time I advertised to sell them I only got a few buyers and poor prices. The prices and demand for goats and sheep in Australia fell from an all-time high to the current low demand due to a policy by the present Labor government when they banned the Live export trade due to protest from animal rights activists. However I also need you to Pray for healing as I am suffering this spring from Hayfever, allergies and sinusities due to my body weakening from all the stress I am under! This has been an ongoing problem for years, medications and treatments have had only a temporary or minimal effect to this day I yet to have a permanent cure. I'll like to move away from this State of ### in Australia where I live which is the cause of my allergies every spring but it's a question again the finance something I also seem to have an issue getting. Made the bad decision years ago to settle here because my father who doesn't have an allergy problem settled in ###, now I want to get out and sell up but the wife is reluctant to move. So Please Pray for Healing Please Pray for Provision still need to pay those bills and the Accountant. And Please Pray for the Lord to make a way for me to leave ### permanently. Pray also that this time I advertise to sell my goats the Lord will bring me buyers and pay me good prices. Thank you and God bless you all. ###.