Humble Prayer Warrior
In terms of my husband's career and job, it has been such a blessing for us (some not so fun issues with co-workers and greedy bosses not paying us on time or paying through illegal means). But due to circumstances outside of our control, we feel it is time for us to move to a new state and start fresh. Today my husband spoke to his boss about moving to a new state and the possibility of working remotely, to which his boss said no... that he could pay someone from India to work remotely for him for less.. and basically gave my husband the run around, he doesn't want to hire workers but says that we need more people. The boss has been willing to allow others to work remotely but has always stifled my husband in working remotely. always judging him and having double standards but I cannot complain because they have been accommodating with my health issues and our emergency c-section and baby being born early
In part I blame myself for having such a crappy body and being unable to do what a woman should be able to do. I digress, We do not want to bite the hand that feeds us, because his boss has helped us and been kind towards us but, this was a decision that came with double standards. We have no choice but to leave the state, because the other rentals in this same city go for 3x the rent we are paying (in all surrounding cities in California) so we cannot stay in this moldy apartment any longer and risk our health (even though it looks pretty on the outside, it still isn't healthy). His boss did not want to pay my husband more, and with a new baby, it's basically a struggle. Not only has it been difficult financially, but also mentally with false accusations from doctors that I was doing drugs while pregnant (God as my witness, I did nothing and my family will even attest to this), also false accusations that (my husband was abusive) he was not, and false allegations that I had postpartum psychosis (which again is false allegations). It all came to light recently when I requested my medical records and received revelation from the Lord. I am just tired of all of this, and am thankful for Jesus for protecting us from what we cannot see, and hearing conversations about us that we did not hear and protecting us and our family. I am just disheartened a little bit, with life and everything in between and recently catching covid-19 from my husband's boss (co-owner)... then getting blamed for being sick and recovering, Anyway, we were really hoping and relying on the income from this job to help us relocate. To know his boss has the opportunity to help us but is unwilling, has been a bit overwhelming for my husband and I. His boss said he would be willing to pay a severance pay and put in a good word if he applies at a new job.. so I guess that's a start... but Now we are trying to figure out how we are going to navigate this move and we really just need as many prayers as we can get, that we are able to find an apartment, secure a job, and be surrounded with genuinely good doctors and nurses in the new state (Idaho). Only God knows why things have happened this way and I wish I could sit down with Jesus and speak to Him face to face, but for now I just pray and hope that the Lord may lead us and guide us and protect us from corruption and evil intentions. I am once again, disheartened, but I have no choice but to lean on God. Please lift my family up in prayers, I humbly ask, Thank you, Amen.