Disciple of Prayer
With everything going on in the world, it sometimes is difficult to be patient with everything. So much corruption, evil, killings, and theft and lies. Evilness is everywhere. The devil is definitely putting in overtime to consume the innocent people with his lies, taking over the generation with drugs and killing many people. I pray for good health of our loved ones, a better understanding of knowledge, patience and peace. Prayers for watching over my loved ones overseas working hard. Please keep them safe and bring them home to land safely throughout the season. Prayers for strength, adequate energy, and healing. Prayers for my children, may God guide them in the best direction. May the evil one flee from our work environment, homes and lives. Prayers for strengthening my relationship with Him. Prayers for forgiveness of our sins. With Father's Day coming up, my father passed away in 2007 and I never had the chance to go to his funeral. My heart hurts and it is a painful day for me. Especially this Father's Day, because my dad passed away the day after Father's Day.