Disciple of Prayer
healed. Lord forgiv emy sisn int henameo fthe Lord Jesus Christ. slay all giants killing me tormenitng me bigger than me i aks in the nameof the Lord Jeus Christ. THe nam eof the Lord Jesus Christ be exalted. It was the Lord His name that defeated goliath.. blessed be the nam eof the LOrd. It was HIm. MAy He have all the glory. allpraise adn power. I praise and exalt he name fo the Lord. in thenam eof the Lord Jeuss Chirst the giant of sin hell detah the devil and the grave hs been defeated. it is in HIs name that these giants were defeated for us. Prais eb the Lor. His Glory endures forever!!!! Lor i aks that oyu teahc meoyur ways and slay the giant sin mylife that tormaent me that are bigger than me. i ask oyu slay the giant of not beign dseired in thenam eof the Lord Jeus Chirst this giant be slayed this devil be defeated. i aks the Lor dheal me and slay the giant of diabete sinsipidus and the rot cause therof be slayed int ehnameof the Lord Jesus Christ HIs HOly Blood my protection all devils ot be sayed destroye din my lfie. asperger syndorm be slayed destroyed confustion anxiety depresison phobias unclean blodo leave me an dmy fmaiyl my hubby my lfi e. the nam eof the Lord Jeus Chris tht enameoabove all names. the giants that are bigger than me be slayed destroyed in thenameo fthe Lord Jeus Chirst. prais ebe to HIm. in the anme of the Lord Jesus Christ demntia be slayed destroyed and the root caus etherof be heale dint my grandmas life. thepower of the Lord HIs giant slaying power be in our lives For the nam eof the Lord Jeus Chris tis the name above all names. Prais ebe to HIs name. THe Glory and Honour is His!!!! Lor dhelp me tke away thegiants qucikyl form depresisona nxiety coornophobia unhygenic home and hela my relaitonshipw ith mymother. her her to see YOu Lord clearly and me adn everoyne hela her brian heal her life. The nam e fthe Lord Jeus Chirs tbe exalte idn her life and in alllives. MAy His name be glorified. the name of the Lord Jesus Christ dleiver me and my fmaily form allurses sickness disease devils and fear phobias. the nameo of freedomthe name of LOve the name above all nes the name the bet name ever!! pleas ehal my grandm adn hela all with autisim asperger snsomr cassandra syndorme heal aour relationship wiht you Lord and the relaitonships wwe haev wiht one naohe rhelp us fear you and depart form evil. please i plead the Holy blodo of the Lord Jeus Chirst relase me formt he devils opression giv me grace a new start and giv em strenght to obey myparent isn allthigns. help me carry the crosss.. help me Lord help those aroudn em to be godo to me and knwo thy serve Christ when doign so. dleive rme ormthe dfesar of :::: please the name of the Lord Jeus chris tbe xalted!! the naem of the Lord is giant slayer!!! all glor yis His i cry ot you for help . pelas ehal my dads heart valve and emotions heal him form trauma help us to forgiv ehtose who hurt us pelase help me wrofn right my worngs. save us and hela alonthis site in every way and all relatiosnhsisp marriages restored giants bown down be destroyed all devil giants be destroyed be slayed int henameof the Lord Jeus Chirst allsickness disease fear anxiety ll unclena spirits be destroyed in thenamoe the Lord Jeus Christ name above al names.