Disciple of Prayer
Monday, I have a custody hearing. Right now her father gets her every day he is off, which is one night a week and every other weekend. I have no problem giving him a couple extra nights a week; my daughter loves her dad and I’m not that type of person. The problem is she is 3 and has never spent more than 3 nights away from me. She is my best friend; I am a stay-at-home mom and she spends most of her time with me. He is a police officer and rotates days and nights, and our schedule now is dictated so that every day he is off, he has her. The problem is he wants 50/50, but the months he is rotated to nights, how is that best for her? He works 12-hour shifts; I stay home. How is that the best for her when she starts school? How is he going to be more stable? She is very attached to me as I am to her. I have no problem, like I said, him having a couple extra nights on days he’s able. I just need prayer that the Lord will be with me and walk with me in court for the best outcome that the judge will see that I’m the more stable parent and either keep things how they are and just not let home get 50/50 where she has to be away from me when he is working nights. I take her to all doctor appointments; everything, I am the primary parent, and I just hope the Lord is with me and sees that and doesn’t put her in a position that isn’t best for her. I just need as much prayer as I can get to get me through this!