Disciple of Prayer
Father in the name of Jesus I come to you this morning at your foot of your throne of grace praying for healing, comfort, breakthroughs, deliverances, miracles, anointing, blessings, love, grace, mercy for all your people who need you, seek you and cry out to you. We can't do nothing without you Lord so I pray and ask that you touch every person whoever they are, wherever they are in their lives. Order their steps, help them not to veer to the left or the right but to stay on the straight path you have ahead of them. Please forgive us all as your people for our sins and opening any doors to the enemy we shouldn't have. Thank you for your sacrifice to and for us all for you are God and there is no other God but you. Holy Spirit please come and touch us all, help us to repent from all sin when we are convicted. Please manifest your presence in our lives and help us to love, pray and support one another for we are all sinners and broken so Holy Spirit come and help us to stay fixed on our Lord, Savior and Master Jesus Christ who came to save the world not to condemn it. In Jesus name, Amen.