' Prayers for ALL GOD' s People -Set Your Peoples Free ..... OVER ALL D EARTH ....'
LORD JESUS.. WE Pray Your Deliverance LORD.. Set Your Peoples Free ..&D Lands In JESUS Name.. Now In All Aspects In JESUS Name.… Contds LORD RAISEs UP STANDARD in This Great SPIRITUALs WARFAREs- SHIELDS OF YR HOLINESS BLOOD in Jesus Name ... PRAY AGAST ALL BACKLASH ATTACK in Jesus Name... with STANDARD OF YR HOLINESS BLOOD in Jesus Name... BloodsWashes Each & Every Precious Lifes LORD... YR HOLINESS BLOOD in Jesus Name... BloodsWashes Each & Every Precious HaBiTations Homes & Families & Marriages Every HouseHolds RELATIONSHIPs … LORD.. BloodsWashes Our InnerMost Depths Hearts Souls Mind Spirits Body Emotions In JESUS Name..BloodsWashes All Precious Cities Towns Villages &D Lands LORD .. BloodsWashes Every Government Sectors Levels .. BloodsWashes Our Every Workplaces Offices Streets Roads Corners Every Public Places In JESUS Name.. BloodsWashes Our Churches Places of Worships of Fellowships of Gatherings in Jesus Name Wherever yr Peoples Gathers or Step Foots Upon In All Places We Goes. Peoples We Encounters In All Our Incomings Outgoings Every Situations & Encounters In JESUS Name.. Surrounds COVERS Submerges WASHES & HEALs SANCTIFIES Immerses Fills Saturates ALL YR Precious Peoples & ALLs Loves Ones In JESUS Name & B EXALTED OVER ALL Every REGION TERRITORIES In JESUS Name … FIGHT for YR Peoples & Set THEM FREE in Jesus Name.. B EXALTED OVER ALL D NATIONS... In JESUS Name … In JESUS Name .. In SHIELDS OF YR HOLINESS BLOOD in JESUS Name ... "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" -John 8:36 .. ' LORD JESUS U YRSelf Bore Our sins' On D Cross, so tt we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ' BY YR Wounds &Stripes WE ARE HEALED ...' -1Pet 2:24 .AMEN ..In JESUS Name ..