Humble Prayer Partner
' Prayers for ALL GOD 's People - HEALINGS For Sickness Chronic Diseases ... OVER ALL D EARTH ... '
LORD We PRAYs 4ALL BROTHERS SISTERS-In-Christs & ALL Their Loves Ones In JESUS Name .. tt U Brings YR TOTAL FULL HEALings GRACEs Touches To ALL YR Precious Peoples Who Needs U.. Cryings To U In JESUS Name .. LORD We PRAYs U SINKs SEEps SOAKSs Deeply LaserBeams XSCAN ACROSS Thru Each & EveryOne in Jesus Name with YR PUREST HOLINESS HEALings Bloods & Anointings Oils of HEALings Cures.. in Jesus Name ..From HEAD to TOE InsideOut in Jesus Name..HOLINESS FiRES BurnsOff Dissolves Cancels Erased FlushesOff ALL Harmful Elements Bacterias InfectionsToxins Viruses Growth Stones Tumors BLoodclots Mutations DiseaseSickness ..in Jesus Name.. SCANWashes SANCTIFIES CLEANSEs Thru Every BLOODSVEINs Cells Tissues Organs Bones JointsMarrow EveryMuscles Nerves in Jesus Name .. RemovesDissolves Rectifies Flushes Off ALL Pains Numbness Paralysis Malfunctions in Jesus Name ... Also Let Those Whose on Medications/ Treatments to be Fully Effectives to Them & TotallyCured too in Jesus Name .. RECTIFIES ALL FUNCTIONS BLOODSVEINs Cells Tissues Organs Every CIRCULATORYs & RESPIRATIONs & back to GOOD HEALTH In JESUS Name .. LORD We Claims Total Full RECOVERY For EveryOne in Jesus Name .. Let YR MIGHTY HOLINESS HEALingsBloods & Anointings HEALings OiLs of LIVINGS WATERS COURSING THRU Each & EveryOne in Jesus Name Bringings TOTAL FULL HEALingsCUREs To EveryOne in Jesus Name ..From HEAD to TOE InsideOut in Jesus Name,.. COURSES THRU ALL Nerves VEINS Cells TiSSues Organs BonesMuscles Nerves.. in Jesus Name… Normalizes ALL BPs... Flushes Out All Urics & cholesterol,.. HealingsCurings ALL JointsMarrow ALL Orthopaedics Every MusclesNerves Cells … HealingsCurings ALL HeartCardio Conditions … HealingsCurings ALL RespiratoryENT Issues ... HealingsCurings ALL NeuroBrains Issues .. HealingsCurings ALL BloodsCellsTissues Organs.. in Jesus Name.. We TK U LORD.. TK U JESUS.. In JESUS Name ..In SHIELDS OF YR HOLINESS BLOOD in JESUS Name ...' ."So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" -John 8:36 .. “ “ LORD JESUS U YOURSelf Bore Our sins” On D Cross, so tt we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “BY YR Wounds &Stripes WE ARE HEALED ...”-1Pet 2:24.AMEN ..In JESUS Name ..
LORD We PRAYs 4ALL BROTHERS SISTERS-In-Christs & ALL Their Loves Ones In JESUS Name .. tt U Brings YR TOTAL FULL HEALings GRACEs Touches To ALL YR Precious Peoples Who Needs U.. Cryings To U In JESUS Name .. LORD We PRAYs U SINKs SEEps SOAKSs Deeply LaserBeams XSCAN ACROSS Thru Each & EveryOne in Jesus Name with YR PUREST HOLINESS HEALings Bloods & Anointings Oils of HEALings Cures.. in Jesus Name ..From HEAD to TOE InsideOut in Jesus Name..HOLINESS FiRES BurnsOff Dissolves Cancels Erased FlushesOff ALL Harmful Elements Bacterias InfectionsToxins Viruses Growth Stones Tumors BLoodclots Mutations DiseaseSickness ..in Jesus Name.. SCANWashes SANCTIFIES CLEANSEs Thru Every BLOODSVEINs Cells Tissues Organs Bones JointsMarrow EveryMuscles Nerves in Jesus Name .. RemovesDissolves Rectifies Flushes Off ALL Pains Numbness Paralysis Malfunctions in Jesus Name ... Also Let Those Whose on Medications/ Treatments to be Fully Effectives to Them & TotallyCured too in Jesus Name .. RECTIFIES ALL FUNCTIONS BLOODSVEINs Cells Tissues Organs Every CIRCULATORYs & RESPIRATIONs & back to GOOD HEALTH In JESUS Name .. LORD We Claims Total Full RECOVERY For EveryOne in Jesus Name .. Let YR MIGHTY HOLINESS HEALingsBloods & Anointings HEALings OiLs of LIVINGS WATERS COURSING THRU Each & EveryOne in Jesus Name Bringings TOTAL FULL HEALingsCUREs To EveryOne in Jesus Name ..From HEAD to TOE InsideOut in Jesus Name,.. COURSES THRU ALL Nerves VEINS Cells TiSSues Organs BonesMuscles Nerves.. in Jesus Name… Normalizes ALL BPs... Flushes Out All Urics & cholesterol,.. HealingsCurings ALL JointsMarrow ALL Orthopaedics Every MusclesNerves Cells … HealingsCurings ALL HeartCardio Conditions … HealingsCurings ALL RespiratoryENT Issues ... HealingsCurings ALL NeuroBrains Issues .. HealingsCurings ALL BloodsCellsTissues Organs.. in Jesus Name.. We TK U LORD.. TK U JESUS.. In JESUS Name ..In SHIELDS OF YR HOLINESS BLOOD in JESUS Name ...' ."So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed" -John 8:36 .. “ “ LORD JESUS U YOURSelf Bore Our sins” On D Cross, so tt we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “BY YR Wounds &Stripes WE ARE HEALED ...”-1Pet 2:24.AMEN ..In JESUS Name ..