Prayer Partner
Dear Father, I come to You in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I asked that You heal the marriage and relationship between ### and ###. Father bring back their love for each other. Show them that giving each love, grace and being patient with each other is honoring Your will for them. Let them love each other, forgive each other, seek to find common interest with each other again. Bless them to enjoy common interest together again. To communicate in love, patience and harmony again. Let them lift each other up each day, support each other each day. Let them see and remember that they are a blessing to each other everyday. Blessed them God with an unbreakable love, joy, happiness and bond with each other. Your will be done Father, in their lives, their marriage, their love for You and their love for each other, and their commitment to each other, In Jesus' name I pray, Amen, Amen, Amen