Beloved of All
Hey all, I am requesting prayers for a healing relationship. Recently me and my best friend of three years had a major falling out. She and I were very close since early high school, and she had feelings for me the whole time. I had feelings on and off, but the two times we tried to move it forward, I ended up getting cold feet. She started working at my place of work about a year ago, from my own request, and from there things seemed to get better. It was actually during those first couple months that we tried again, but I let my anxieties take over and it ended up not working, but we remained extremely close. I told her I still had feelings, but I just wasn’t sure about it at times. A couple months ago, I started to go through a very high stress and emotional period, and while that was happening a different guy at work (who I’m weary of, due to things I’ve heard about him) started to talk to her. They became close, and she started to slip away. Because I was already emotional, I made mistakes, and ended up putting a huge strain on, then a couple weeks later, shattered our relationship. This was probably my lowest point I’ve had if I’m to be honest. But, as much as it sucks, I feel like it had to happen. If it didn’t, then I think I wouldn’t have truly found God, not for a long time. I started to get more into scripture. A close friend of mine invited me to church, and I’ve been going for about 5 or 6 weeks now. I always believed, but I didn’t really actually practice until this. Since then, things have seemingly been on the up. Going to church helped me see how flawed I was, and how badly I needed God. In the past, about two years ago, I treated her very poorly. I don’t want to get into it, as it upsets and makes me angry at myself, since I still hold resentment against myself for it. But I was extremely fortunate to not lose our friendship then. I ended up reaching out to her a couple weeks ago, and we met up for lunch. I apologized for how I handled the situation, and for my actions. We ended up on the path to patching things, and things have been getting better from there, to the point that we’re becoming friends again. However, I still have feelings for her, and this whole situation has only made me realize how strongly I feel, and I’ve been struggling with it immensely every day since it started, especially since she’s seeing someone else. I want nothing more than another chance, which is something that I’m not even sure I deserve. So, I’m hoping for prayers. Prayers for me to have the strength to continue to better myself, for the wisdom and strength that I don’t repeat my mistakes. Prayers for, if it is God’s will that I get another chance, and we come back together, that I have the patience I need to take the path to that. And prayers that if we aren’t meant to come together again, that I have the understanding, and vision to accept it, and to move on. Thank you.