Prayer Warrior
I know I have come here with requests many times, I apologize to all my siblings in Christ Jesus for not giving and being withdrawn—only coming here for help. I am sorry. Please believe me when I say, I have had to deal with an evil caged energy, that of a wounded animal turned so cold that it has a hold on its heart—my mother. I am so tired of being not believed, but I am also so tired of being angry. I am not. But I am. I have been dealt such an injustice that I now have to—not only remove on my own—but also walk away from on my own. I know my Lord has been there with me every step, nudging me forward when I made the choice to see—but I am only human. I am an adult that still cannot shake the helpless feeling of a child, because that was the role I needed to play—that I chose to play, not just out of survival, but also out of desperately wanting my mother's love—so I got it in any way I could, by releasing all control to her. It kept me comfortable in insanity, and nothing much more. Love is supposed to be easy, love is supposed to be kind, I know that now. But still my brain regresses—and now I am trapped energetically once again, and I hate myself. But I do not hate myself enough to actually fight my way back to what I was, so I stay regressed and miserable. 7 steps forward, 11 steps back. Please. I know I should pray for something more specific, but I do not know. Just give me clarity. Light a fire under me, and make me so uncomfortable, that I have no choice *but* to move forward. If that is what it takes. Thank you for thinking of me. She makes me feel so lost and like I am nothing, when I know that my natural form is that of self-expression—please return me to that. Thank you again for praying and prying into my personal heartaches.