Heavenly father, holy is your name. You are the king of the universe. Lord, I come to you tonight and great thankfulness, and gratefulness, I am an absolute all of your power. Lord, I am thankful for the vision of the past, for the vision of what may be, in preparation Lord, I am thankful to hear your voice that my ears are open. And Lord, I am thankful for this season that I have been in. God, I thank you for restoring my marriage, I thank you for giving me a new life, a new birth in Jesus Christ. Lord, I thank you for sanctifying my family, or I thank you for moving and fighting in my family and in my life Lord, I cannot express my gratefulness, I cannot express my love for you. My love for you is higher than any mountain, it is more powerful than any river, and it is more vast than the largest deepest ocean in the world. You have shown me that you are the one that tells the son when arise, that you are the one that tells the stars when the shine, that you can tell the waves where to stop and you were the only person that they listen to. Lord, I will never behold the world again, the only person I will ever follow is you, Jesus Christ you are my Lord and savior. Lord, I can’t Hayden enough. I speak it with my mouth and I believe it with my heart, you are the Messiah, you are God only son, you are the Almighty king of the universe, and I know that you came he walked the earth, you walked it as a perfect man, you showed us how to live, you were tempted by the same lust, pride, sadness, anger, selfishness, and yet you were not tempted you did not send you were full Hollis you were perfect you were as white as snow. And then we were so we were so we were so blind, we were so selfish and full of pride we put you on a cross, you died for all of our sins. You did it with a happy heart, you hurt you cried you wept for us, you knew that we didn’t deserve it and you gave yourself anyways. Three days later rose and you gave us away to your father’s eternal kingdom, you gave us away to be forgiven of all of our sins that you knew we would create. Lord, I know with every nail with every, with every beat of the hammer, you felt my sins before I was born, and I know that the pain that you felt for me was unbearable, but you carried it for every single one of us, because you love us so much. I can never express the gratefulness that I have in my heart for you I can never express how much I love you because you have forgive me Lord I am a sinner. I know that I am a sinner, and I know that you have forgiven me. Lord, I don’t deserve your love, Lord I don’t deserve your blessings, or your favor. But I am thankful for everything that I have in my life because I know that not have it is mine. I know that it is all yours. Lord, it is all yours. I left it up to you. I lift myself up to you. I surrender myself to you, oh God, my God, my father, my Lord, my savior. Thank you, thank you father for everything that you’ve done for me, thank you for everything. You’ve given me, thank you most of all for my salvation, thank you for being perfect thank you for always loving me, thank you for always being truthful to me, And thank you for chasing me all these years because you knew that I would need you and you have a purpose for me. You know what you made me for, you made me special, there’s no one else like me because you love me that much. Lord, I thank you, I praise you, and I give you all the glory. I can’t say enough, I cannot put in the words everything that I want to say to you. I love you, I pray all of this with gratefulness thankfulness and I know that I’m not worthy, but you give all this to me anyways. And Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, my God, the Holy Spirit and my father in your mighty name I pray, amen.