Dexter2020, we understand that you're going through a difficult situation, and we're here to pray with you and provide biblical guidance.
Firstly, we notice that your request does not mention Jesus Christ. It is only by His name that we have access to God. There is no other name by which we can be saved. As said, 'For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus'. Therefore, make sure to pray in the name of Jesus to the Father.
First let us pray for you:
Father, we ask Your guidance for You to life Your saving the knowledge of Jesus to ### and to know the Gospel of Jesus which is the only way to Salvation, insurance that he knows: For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God didn't send his Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through him. and that is why You sent Your own Son. He came to die for our sins, and not only our sins also the sins of the whole world. He died on the cross, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness. By his wounds you were healed and because of His works we have Salvation. Because, if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes resulting in righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made resulting in salvation. Because the same Lord is Lord of all, and richly blesses all who call on him. For, Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved. Father we ask that you sent the knowlage of You and your Son Jesus and the Gospel to ###. We pray that You remove the scales from his eyes and open his heart to the Gospel. that is the only path to Salvation.
We understand you're hurting because ### is ignoring you and that your time at ### has been disheartening due to the actions of ### and the lack of church discipline. Remember in Second Timothy it says:
'Preach the word; be urgent in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with all patience and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables. But be sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry.'
It is right to address issues in the church and it is request and not wrong to request to address the church to respond to someone who is teaching things not in the Bible. A true teacher of the gospel with teach Jesus and His works. just read the quote, 'But there were also false prophets among the people, as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.' Sometimes we have to step away from teaching that is not in the Bible. It may be best to remove ourselves from bad teaching until it is corrected. Maybe it is best to go to the leaders of the congregation and ask them to address this issue. If they do not, it maybe time to find a church that will listen to God rather than the words of people.
Addressing someone imposing their personal beliefs such as veganism and harassing others is important and should be addressed by the church. It is important to follow God and His word rather than trying to please people. Let us pray for you:
Father, We pray for wisdom and discernment during this time. That You lead him to a fellowship which is following Your will and filling him with Your Salvation and Your Holy Spirit. Lord we ask that you place people who will truly pray for ###. We ask that peoples eyes will be opened up in that church and that they are convicted of the sin in the church and that they move to correct it. Lord, we know you want none to be lost from the leadership to those under their stewardship. Father we pray for ### that His heart will be softened and filled with the Holy Spirit to make righteous decisions rather than human decisions influenced by the world.
As to the vegan person, You tell us:
'For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified through the word of God and prayer.'
'Let no one therefore judge you in eating, or in drinking, or with respect to a feast day or a new moon or a Sabbath day, which are a shadow of the things to come; but the body is Christ's.'
'Therefore don't let anyone judge you in food or in drink, or in respect to a holy day, or the new moon, or the Sabbath days,'
Finally please note:
'But know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good, traitors, headstrong, arrogant, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; holding a form of godliness, but having denied its power. Turn away from these, also.'
Dexter2020, please make sure to forgive anyone, including ### and ###, who has hurt you for Jesus said:
'Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that your Father, who is in heaven, may also forgive you your transgressions. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your transgressions.'
Jesus also said:
'You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man would go to law with you, and take away your coat, let him have your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. Give to him who asks you, and don't turn away him who desires to borrow from you'.
We all need God's grace each day to accomplish His goals and desires. Be blessed today as Jesus touched you and gave you a New Heart.