Beloved of All
Prayer that I can Atleast move out of LA county. Living here is driving me crazy and it's very dangerous and chaotic. Homosexuality is everywhere and the people barely have morals. Very few churches out here are doing what they are supposed to. The other church I went to I rarely saw any young people guessing that no one goes and majority of the people are into Catholicism which is a cult. I feel my health declining since living her everyday is the same thing. I'm not complaining but to FEEL ILL EVERYDAY and to have the same car. I just would like to get a better car or Atleast one with privacy. I get bullied almost everywhere I go and people love to mess with me which makes me extremely sick. My health is real bad and they keep pushing me just like the person I live with he would torture me everyday. I'm hoping the rest of the day is peaceful. I get bullied at every job and now I feel some tension with some of the people there. Please pray and I'm also extremely lonely like to the point where I want to die. I had to deal with getting called ugly a lot and because of the wig I have on it looks really bad. My self esteem is low I try so many things to look less ugly and people still make fun of me. Guys are repulsed by me and I had a history of attracting abusive men or ones way too old. Plus the devil is beating down on me too hard. I am being tormented way too much. Every apartment I go to the neighbors bother me with noise. Then if my brother is there he does things to torment me and finds it funny. If I'm sitting in a parking lot some strange person will either park facing towards me or park right next to me. Then people will walk right near the car or come right near me. If I got to the mall or a grocery store a group of girls or guys will make fun of me if it's guys they will say things like "she looks kinda weird". I was also bullied at my last church and targeted by a predator who watched me before I became an adult. I don't know if I'm cursed or what but please just pray