In my previous post, one of the prayer requests I mentioned was that a church friend is at risk of losing her apartment due to her having lost her job a while back and being unable to find any work and is unable to pay rent.
She said today that if she doesn't get this one job she is hoping to get, then she is going to move out and move into a local woman's shelter, since she apparently has nowhere else she can go.She also said her elderly cat (that used to live with her parents but no longer can due to the dog) would have to go to someone else, which she doesn't want to do but will if she has no choice.
PLEASE pray strongly that she gets this job she is wanting, so that she can keep her apartment! It is a bank teller position at a local credit union that she would love to have, and the job fits her very well as she is a people person!
So I just pray right now: Lord Jesus, we come to you with this petition and we pray fervently with all the faith we can muster, that you would bless this daughter of yours and give her grace and favor at this bank she's applied at, that she passes all interviews and gets the job! She would like to stay in the apartment where she is and keep her cat, so I pray that you would allow both those things, and that she would get the job so that she can make that happen! In your precious name Jesus we all pray, Amen!
She said today that if she doesn't get this one job she is hoping to get, then she is going to move out and move into a local woman's shelter, since she apparently has nowhere else she can go.She also said her elderly cat (that used to live with her parents but no longer can due to the dog) would have to go to someone else, which she doesn't want to do but will if she has no choice.
PLEASE pray strongly that she gets this job she is wanting, so that she can keep her apartment! It is a bank teller position at a local credit union that she would love to have, and the job fits her very well as she is a people person!
So I just pray right now: Lord Jesus, we come to you with this petition and we pray fervently with all the faith we can muster, that you would bless this daughter of yours and give her grace and favor at this bank she's applied at, that she passes all interviews and gets the job! She would like to stay in the apartment where she is and keep her cat, so I pray that you would allow both those things, and that she would get the job so that she can make that happen! In your precious name Jesus we all pray, Amen!