prayer requests for 202312311504...Sisters of Life, all of the females on AsiaTalks, Twiiter or X, MeWe, US Dept. of Veterans Affairs-Pharmacy for the neurological department/Movement Disorders/ Parkinson's Disease, Gmail, Norton 360 Deluxe-LifeLock-Advantage, International Star Agency, Universal Service Administration Organization, Harry & David and their Wow Christmas Feasts, St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church-Sacramento, California(Patron saint of Corruption), Universal Life Church Seminary and their Masters in Wiccan Studies, Lord Anthony Edward Peterman as he works on the Masters Degree he received for Christmas, Guardio, Truckee Heights Apartments and the Northern Nevada Housing Community Projects, Hewlett Packard , Google ChromeBooks, May the Almighty Creator, bless and keep all of your prayer warriors who have stood in the prayer of agreement. Amen, Ameen, Aumn, Amin, Aum.