Prayer Requests for 202111070238....'To absolve a member of the clergy, the priest says: May God, Who blessed his holy disciples, bless you. May He preserve you from all evil deeds and perfect you in the gracious ones that you may be the keeper of His commandments and the fulfiller of His laws. May He make you a chosen vessel that is fit for the service of His glory. May you enjoy peace in Him, and may He be pleased with you and according to His Good Will, may you be blessed, absolved and consecrated, in the Name of the Father +, amen, and of the Son +, amen and of the Holy Spirit + for everlasting life. Amen....Dear Brother's and Sister's, it seems like, for the last 25 years, I have come under attack, from the wickedness and snares of the Devil. Temptations, from ALL forms of the Seven Deadly Sins. Namely Greed, Lust, Avarice, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Wrath. Without going into detail. Though I consider myself to be an all religions kind of person and try to follow the ONE rule-'To Love one another as I have loved you'. I am still just a human man and have sought solace in prayer, to refrain from the ruination of my soul. Being once homeless for 18 1/2 years, a US Military veteran of the Army (and the Army of God), I try to reside to live in Integrity, Honesty (though I have been tempted to live outside of Honesty), Loyalty (to my Country and my calling. Even when the death of those loved had been stripped away). I seek absolution of sins, in this forum, prior to seeking absolution from the body of believers whom have ordained me. I have tried to follow the calling of my creator. Have tried to forgive the sins and walk in a way that is more action oriented, than that of just a scholar. This is actually were I think main stream religion has gone wrong. I don't pay for prayers, for that is a bribe. The Almighty Creator, already knows what I have need of before I even ask. I try not to sit in the seat of the scornful, and after serving in the US Army, I try not to leave a brother or sister behind. One of the newest ministries that the Almighty Creator, has placed in my mind is to help those US Military veterans and our colleagues around the world, who have become homeless, through such projects as 'A home for every veteran', 'Built for Zero', Rocket Mortgage, Housing and Urban Development/Veterans Assisted Shared Housing. Over 25 years though, I have been bombarded with 'Scams', which I could have done amazing works for others and the totals for a 'guy' who has basically taken a vow of poverty, without actually taking a vow of poverty, reaches to the ether realm of the stratosphere. (If I am not mistaken is close to 900,000,000,000 US Federal Reserve System Notes. Did I do that right 900 Billion US Federal Reserve System Notes.)..I need to 'SING BECAUSE I'M HAPPY'-BECAUSE I"M ACTUALLY HAPPY. The Parkinson's Disease Plus, has placed apathy at the entry of my door post. Even though that doorpost and quarters have been blessed abundantly. in other words, I am teetering into a place, were I don't want to ever be in the disease process. that place is depression. As a believer, I have been tempted, like the devil stepping into a Catholic Church as in the motion picture the 'Devils Advocate'. Tempting the Almighty. Standing over the Holy Water. Inching his way into the Holy Water vessel. The Devil, with a big grin on his face. I seek absolution my dear brother's and sister's and pray that this message applies to someone out there in the universe. May all of these wonderful charitable organizations be blessed, with more action than just words. I know from the reading of the Christian scriptures, that the 'poor will always be with us'. But that doesn't have to be the case. As the scriptures have attempted to relay to us.We can change, for the better and We can only make that change, if NO MAN, WOMEN, AND CHILD ARE LEFT BEHIND. Thank you for hearing my request for ABSOLUTION. May the Almighty Creator, bless you all abundantly, with every good and perfect gift. May you 'not be swayed to the left or to the right'. May you NOT be "DoubleMinded'-May you always remain focused, on the 'real words of God', One God many paths, and please don't get distracted by me and my words, I may lead you astray. May you all 'be hearers and doers of the Word'. I love you guys and as the Christian scriptures relay-' where two or three are gathered together in my name, The Almighty Creator, is there in the midst'..