I was just reading an amazing story of a young muslim women, whose father was also dealing with Parkinson's Disease. He past away, if I'm not mistaken 7 days ago. I have always wondered, what it was like in the mind of the caregiver. I realize that Parkinson's Disease and especially phase 5 parkinson's disease is very thankless. If one also has dementia, it makes it that much more difficult. To really have all your wits about you and not having your mind filled with this garbage psychology. Being focused-Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, subsistence and any food feeding systems, care for personal hygiene. It takes the whole body and mind of the patient, can you imagine what it takes from the caregiver. I know its not my turn yet, to be called back to the creator.( If I'm not mistaken, I still have a bit of under-secretary work to do for St. Michael the ArchAngel). Instead of waiting, like many of us always do-to pray through the good as well as the bad. May the Almighty Creator, bless the caregivers of those with progressive neurological diseases and disease. I was just thinking at my end, how cool it would be, to receive the letter from the crematory for whole body donation. Which school a body part went to and or what disease the body parts were being used for. Sorry, I already asked if I could donate the entire body to Parkinson's Disease Research. Prayer for MedCure, DropBox in the State of Nevada, The US Department of Veterans Administration, the PADRECC's around the world, the neurologists and specialists in movement disorders-Lord, don't they hear alot of crap. At least mine does.United States Department of Defense, United States Department of the Army, United States Special Operations Fores Command, United States Infectious Disease Division,..I repeat it again. Please, keep your eyes on the ''real word of God''. Not on me.I'll lead you astray everytime-just because I'm human. The devil is a liar and the father of lies. My life is riddled with, as my young nephew states 'Compromising data'. There are four things that I really know, even with seven doctorates and the PhD in Religion. 'The more you know, the less you really know'..2) you are a conqueror, you just need to find someone that can help you bring out your great wisdom. 3) You should never be to hard on yourself-stand for what is right and for the right reasons. When you live with the foundry of Integrity, Honor, Respect, Equality, Commitment, you can and will accomplish great things. 4) Today if you open the word of God and read what the fruits of the spirit are, Ask the Boss, when your in your closet praying, to bless you with one of the qualities of the fruits of the 'HOLY SPIRIT'.,slowly it will come to fruition. Enough of my babbling for today. Be at peace. Be Blessed. So Be It!!