Beloved of All
I request for God to bring a massive amount of influential, extremely powerful and highly well-known and notable people into my life who will support me unconditionally throughout my life. I am praying that all of these people always guide, protect and support me throughout all aspects of my life including travel, career, relationship, finance. I am praying that these people will always help me to reach great heights in my future jobs, who will all help me to travel internationally and who will all support me throughout difficult times in my life. I am also praying for God to bring a massive amount of extremely kind, loyal and supportive friends into my life. God, please always stay with me, protect me throughout my life from any illness, evil or suffering. Please God always provide a support system for me throughout my life and strengthen our divine relationship. In Jesus name amen! This prayer will be answered, with God's grace and timing. This prayer extends to all around the world as well. Please God and Jesus accept and answer this prayer.
It is not worth forgetting that we are all God's children who are worthy of God's love and divine protection. As children of God, let us always extend and share our prayers to people less fortunate than us. Collectively, as a society not only for ourselves. God please answer all past and future prayer requests from around the world, trusting that they are not evil or bad intentioned prayers. No prayer will never go unanswered everyone, have faith and stay strong. God bless ALL!