Prayer Partner
My name is ###.
Please pray God would grant me (and you) the following:
(1) “I am set apart through you to be regarded as holy.”-Ezekiel 36:23
“Set them apart for holiness by means of the truth — your word is truth.”-John 17:17
(2) “He will gather you together from all the peoples to which the Lord your God scattered you.”-Deuteronomy 30:3
”The Lord God, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares, “Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered.””-Isaiah 56:8
”I send you to harvest that upon which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.“-John 4:38
“Plead with the Lord of the Harvest that he speed harvesters out to gather in his harvest.”-Matthew 9:38
Please pray God would grant me (and you) the following:
(1) “I am set apart through you to be regarded as holy.”-Ezekiel 36:23
“Set them apart for holiness by means of the truth — your word is truth.”-John 17:17
(2) “He will gather you together from all the peoples to which the Lord your God scattered you.”-Deuteronomy 30:3
”The Lord God, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares, “Yet others I will gather to them, to those already gathered.””-Isaiah 56:8
”I send you to harvest that upon which you have not labored; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.“-John 4:38
“Plead with the Lord of the Harvest that he speed harvesters out to gather in his harvest.”-Matthew 9:38