Disciple of Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you now in the most humble way that I know how with a bow down head and a humble heart. Lord I ask that you touch Maceo situation as only you can. Touch everyone's heart, mind and soul that has a voice in his up coming hearing. Touch them to vote in favor of his release in the Mighty name of Jesus. Father you know the situation better than we do. Father your the doctor that has never lost a patient. Your that Lawyer that has never lost a case. Father you said in your word look to the hills which cometh our strength. Cast our cares and worries on you because you were made to handle them. I'm casting all of my cares and worries to you Father. You said if you pray don't worry. And if you worry don't pray. I'm only human Lord I fall short of Glory daily. But I trust you with my life and the life of my family. Bless me to do better and to be better. Father bless everyone of these prayers that's requested in your darling son name Jesus Christ. Father you told us to pray without ceasing. We're praying Lord and counting it a joy that we have a direct line to you through our prayers. And that you love us so much that we can come to you directly and not have to go to the elders of the churches on our behalf. Father thank you for your Love, Grace and Mercy. But Father thank you for your son Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins. And rose on the 3rd day and now sits on the right side of you. Bless me to get the call of approval that I need so desperately in the Mighty Name of Jesus I pray AMEN and AMEN. 

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