Beloved of All
PRAYER REQUEST PLEAST PLEASE PRAY EMERGENCY MY grANDMA is int he hospital for the 2 time thsi week. PLeas epray Jesus heals Her do everyhtign In YOur power Lord ot heal her .. PLease LORd i beg YOu.. Please help her get oxygen and please heal her blood and also Please do everythign in YOu power to protect my grandma form all evil and form all evil doers LORd PLease heal my grandma circulation and also if their is any obstruction to her circulation. Pleas eLord supernaturally giver her oxygen to all her body parts and deliver her form all neurologial conditions All of them for your glory by your YOur power. Please LOrd Thank YOu Jesus For you have all the power .ALl glory and hOnour is YOurs Do everythign in You power so that my grandma get the proper medical attentiona ccordign to YOu perfect and Holy WIll. Please Please od all you can to save and heal my grandma for YOur Glory int he name of the LOrd Jeus Christ. Pelase heal all her circulatory system and all her nervous system permamntly form total damage I beg you Lor din the nam eof Jesu Christ Please give oxygen to all her extremeties please heal her Cramps. SHe isnt gettign enough oxydem . PLease an dshe keeps going into these comas and Serve crmap than coma.. LORd I LOrd JEus Christ i lay my grandma at your feet . FOr everythign in YOur power to heal and svae my grandma for YOur glory by YOur stripes heal my grandma body and her back and vertabrae. Please please heal all her flesh and align everthign in her body so that she gets oxygen EVerywhere . To all her extremeties. PLease lOr dThe probles is lack of ocygen please LOrd Craete new pathways to all her body parts so that each and every vcell of her PERMANTLEY HAs oxygenated proper blood flor to all HER body. LORd Please do all this for YOur Glory. Please HEar my grandmas circulatory system so that itworks according to the stripe sof the Lord Jeus Christ. Lord do not allw any harm to happen to her body. PLease HEavenly Father i ask that You heal my grandma of all neurological and physiological malfunction and the CAUSE of the malfunction once and for all in the nam eof Jesus Christ. DO everything in Your power to save and make my grandma whole by the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ. PLEase Do everything in your power to send ONLY the people that God wants to send and Lord do everythign in your power so that all the physicians and the nurses careging staff oare STRONGY GUided by the hOly Spirit and do a proper assesment of her health. Please LOrdJEsus Christ YOu have all the glory please Do o all in YOu r power to heal my granma You Your stripes She is healed Please pray in agreement that the LOrd Sends mirauclosu healign to all her flesh and that nothing gets int he way of my grandma healing. LEt no devil get int he way and caus eunbelief. Lord Jesu Christ. MAy my Grandma bring you great Glory which she does. Thank OYu for her and please do all in your power for her to ge tthe PROPER honest madical assesment and may she have all her neurons, circulatory system be permantley heale dint he name of the Lord JEsu Christ so that She has oxygen to all her extrmeeties. LORd heavenly Father i Ask for OYur praise and Golory thayt YbY You stripes heral by grandma . Guide the ambulance with your Holy spirit and please keep my grandma sake and protect form evil at all times. Please keep and eye on her Lord and do not allow any negelegance or mistake to happen form the medical staff. Lord Please take her where you want her to God. Let your Will be done And i beg you do all that you can to heal all blockages in her body . Please hear her spine mirculousla dn supernaturally by the power of the hOly Spirit heal her formt he following: lack of blood flow. Please Lord Jesu Christ please healy her blood flow to her brain. Let my grandma get the proper circulation Lord Please make it so that She gets blood flow to all her body in the name of LErn Jesu Christ. Please heal her for YOur Glory Lord Jesu Christ. Please heal her form a lack of oxygen to all her body. Pelase Heal all lack of oxygen issuesLord supernatually so that ALLL her body has Oxygen. Please heal her form alll Crams Lord and all neurological damage. Please heal her spine Lord so that her spine function perfectly and that their is oxygen to all her vertabrae. Please Bringy oxygen to all her body and please protect her form corona virus and all coorna virus mutatiosn at the hospital. Please Lord heal the sick in the hospital and please get her the right infuzion. Lord heal all dehydration issues and please FORCE all the medical staff and people at the hospital to do exactly want you want Lord and say Wahat YOu want and to brign healig nto all her body. Giver her fresh oxygen via the holy spirit. and pleae guide everyone she encoutners in her life wiht the HO Spirit. Let your will be done and do all in You r poer so that she is able Move her body on her own that she has oxgen flowing ,. that she doe not have too narrow arteries. please Lord i belive their is a majoy blood is issues. please pray her blood is healed and all arteries veins are healed in Schndier Vilmoses body. Lord giver her a strong heart and a meeryy heart and please let everyone be kind to her and force them to do your Will Lord . Pelase Prostect my grandma form all accidents and form alle vil. Deliver my grandma form every eveil and by Your Holy Spirit make my grandma whole by the Stripe of the Lord Jesu Christ. Lord I pray that You Doctor Lord God almight, Jesus the Christ hea all my grandma health problems once and for all by YOu stripes. Deliver my grandma form all unbelief may She Encounter the salvation and mirculous healing of Our Lrd and Savior Jesu Christ. Lord Heaven LY Father do all that you can to heal my grandma permantley by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ and to recieve The Gift of the hOly Spirit. Lord Strongly interve on my grandmas behalf to save her and heal her God please Guide my grandma to sekek the Lor dJEus Christ ,. Please reveal yourself to her and to all people at the hospital. Lord You are God and only YOu can save pleas ei Beg you to all that you can to give my grandma pxygen and proper circulation and remove all blockages form her airway and all blockages and everything preventign her form haveing the best blood flow oxgyne filled blood flow to all her body including all her extrmeeties. Please bring Blood flow to every part of Her body and deliver her form all evil. ONLY YUR glory be odne . Onyl Your Will. Help us to pray wihtout ceaisng. And please do all in you r Power to save andheal my grandma. DO no allow any bad thign for her to happen. Give her the best and PRoper medical attention you YOu Will Lord. Loet ONly YOur WIll be done. YOu have all the praise all the Glory. You are the great Physician Lrod Jesu Christ. With You all thigns are possible. I place my grandma into your hands. Do all that you can for her to be healed and made whole by he stripe sof the LOrd Jesu Christ. LOrd do not allow the devil to kill, destroy or steal form my grandma or my family in any way. BY YOur Power Lord Jesu Christ do This. Deliver all people from unbelif in You Lord Jesus Christ. Heal My granmda and be with her. YOur HOly SPirit be revealed to her right now. may she hear formt he Hoyl Spirit . MAy She know that You are the delivere redeemer messiah, The Lord and Savior and heale rof Your Soul. LORd YOu have all power I lay this prayer at your feet comign to you wiht the HOly Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as a sin offering. Please Give all peopel Wisdom and be guided by the hOly Spirit in all areas concering my grandma. Please do all in YOur POwer for her to be heale dint he name of the Lord JEsu Christ. Please protect her and please let her heart fully returnt o the Lord. Lord Please bind up all her woulds By Your Holy Spirit . Please protect her at all times and Give all those you send her way to be STRongly guided by Your Holy Spirit and true Wisdom to help her the way you would Life Lord.. And may they obey Your commands Lordat all tiems. Please also guide my whole family storngly with your Holy Spirit and heal all the people form all manner of diesase every where by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please dleiver this world form all evila dn deliver us form all corona virus and corona virus mutations. Lord Send my Grandma exactly where she needs to be. Help my grandma and make her concious. Bring flesh oxygen to all the part sof her body and may she suffer not damage no hurt form the hospital staff in any way. DO all in your power so that she is healed form head to toes tby the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ. Lord Jesu Christ. Savior redeemer, Lord and Savior of all. ALL glro yis YOurS ! Pleaseuse my grandma for oyur glory and heal her by the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ. Lord Jesu Christ I come to you in faith heal my grandma by Your stripes. Please I ask YOu this Heavenly Father accoridng to Your Willin the name of the Lord Jesu Christ, coming nigh to YOur throne . LOrd Give my grandma a Very strogn heart Supernaturally . Please give rher a heart so strongly that it pumps to ocxgento all her cells permantley inthe Lord Jesu Christ name. Please heal her heart and bind up her woulds. Save her soul and do all in your power to heal my grandma for your Glory by Your power int he name of the Lord Jesu Christ. Lord heavenly Father do allin your power to please please pleasepelase provie for every deen my grandma has at the exact right moment and that Your force the medical all peopel to do you Will do. Please in JEsu Christ name I pray. Please protect my grandma heart and curculatory system form all evil. in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please guid eour family with Your Wisdom and to do You Will Lord. Pelase do all in your power to help all unbelief towards you God.Lord JesuHCrist please heal Schneider Vilmosnรฉ (Portchser Judit) now for oyur glory and by Your power by Your Spirit Lord Jesu Christ. Lord let oyur Will bbe doen in our lives today and DO not allow any harm to be done to my grandma Lord Jesu Christ. Please Please Please Help me and my family in every way. Please help my and my mom and STRONGy Guide us with Your Holy spirit. Please PERMANTKEY heal my grandmas heart and Please supply Miraculously fresh oxygenatioed to all her cells. Lord completes heal her circulatory system for YOur glory and healher form all รrelmeszesedรฉs in the nam eof the Lord Jeus Christ. Lord Please miraculoulsy heal her heart and give her strength Lord For YOur Glory and BY Your Power Please in Jesu Christ name I pray. Please heal all arterial damage and heal allher veins and strengthen her heart by Your hands Lord Jesu Christ. Please Please HElp my grandma move on her own and giver her strength to all her body miraculoulsy and please let no damge be done to her. Lord give her asound mind a calm spirit and heal all her flesh . Lord JEsus Chris ti place in your arms please Hela my grandma form all circulatory damage and make her heart and body whole for Your Glory by Your power by YOur stripes. ONly OYu are Savior only YOu are God and Only YOu can give breath, Please give my grandma the abundant live you came for her to have. please do this for all peoaple and may no evil befall anyone day. MAy no evil come upon her . Pleae give my grandma a merry heart. A very merry heart. Lord Jesu Christ reveal yourself to her and your presence. Please guide everyone She encounters with your Holy Spirit. And do everything in Your Power Lord to heal my grandma by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please I ask this Lord In Faith acccording to Your Word in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please may all brothers and sisters in Christ pray fo rmy grandmas salvation and to be made whoek and Healthy complete in Christ and heale dby the Stripes of our Lord NAd Saviour Jeus Christ. Lord also heal all my family and guide us with Your Holy Spirit. Guide all people who are lifitng my grandma to give them strenth not drop her or hurt her in anay way. Please Lord give my grandma the proper Iv and proper medical treatment and supernatuall heal my grandma s heart and clear all blockages in her body PERMANTKLEY so that circulation be healed and strengthen and faishioned accoding to the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Please giver her strong heart muscles miraculouly Lord in the Nem of the Lord JesuChrist. Please fix and heal all circulation issues for YOur Glory and by OYur power. Lord Please do all in your power to giver her mircuoulsy new organ cells to her heart and organ cells and tissues and create new body parts if necessary by Your Hand Great phscician. Lord Jesu Christ Please do all in your power to miraculouly MAKe my grandma Whole Lord in Jesu Christ name in every way to the praise and glory of Your name Lord Jeus Christ. Please also make all peopel whole to the prais eand Glory of Your name,. Lord force me to and my mom to do your will Lord. Guide us at the hospital and please reveal your presence VRY strongly to my grandma. REveal Your salvation and also Deliver her form all demons and all that is blocking herblood flow. pleaseClean all her arteries and veins miraculously For YOur glory. and please may her lips be permaanlty pink. MAy she had blood flow filled with oxygenated blood. no w and permantley heal all circulatory issues and all neruological issues. Please por your Holy Blood onmy grandma Lord Jesu Christ. HE Soul. Deliver her form the devil and do all in Your Power Lord Jesu Christ to destroy every work of the devil in her Life Lord Jess Christ. Lord Heavenly Fathe ri pray Grandรฉ in YOur arms please deliver her form all gastrointestinal obstructins. Please heep her hydrated and propers blood flor to all her cells at all times. Please give her fresh oxygen from YOu Lord and Lord always guide allpeopel to do your Will including my grandma. Lord Jesu Christ help me and my mom in everyway. pelase heal my mom and please reveal your self to her. And to my dadn and brother his wife in way that we neverhave unbelif in You again. Lord Do all that you can to deliver my grandma from every bondage to satan and to deliver her soul form Satan. Lord Jesus Christ intercede for her. I pray int he hOly SPirit now. Hela her holy Spirit . Please NOw. Pelase! in th enam eof the Lord Jesu Christ please ndo not allow the devil to steal or kill my faith you Your Lord Jesu Christ. I pray this for all people. Let nothign egt in the way. I want to truly know YOu YOu Lord JesuChrist. AMAy all know you. LOrd Jeus Christ revea l your healing power to all my grandma flesh right now in the na, eof hte Lord Jesu Christ. Please I place my grandma in your arms Lord and please PLEase do NOT let her died but heal Her Lord Jesu Christ.. Do all in Your POer to save her Lord JesuCHrist and to make her whole. MAke her heart whole. MAke her want to be here. We need her Lord. Please do all that oyu can to give her a healthy merry heart for your prais eand Glory. Please delive rher form all airway blockages forever in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ so that she can breath easily wihtout any problem and all please do this for her in the name of the Lord and Savior of all the Lord Jesu Christ name I ask YOu GOD to oleaseinterve right now and Great physician fix all blockages.. everythign that prevent sher form breathing propely and recievign porer blood flow and oxgen to all her body. in th name of the Lord Jeus Christ I pray. Please Lord God almighty.. Jesus HELP HER NOWWW!give hr breath NOW!!!! PLease odnt take the breath your breath form her. Please ocntinue to give her breath Lord Jesu Christ. please odnt take away my grandma ,l.Please give her breath PLEASE int he name of the Lord Jesu Christ. permantley give rbreath. Pelase prolongue her life,.. Please Lor for Your prais ena dGlroyplease giver her new heart cells miraculousl restor eher your miraculouls please keep breahtign lif eint o her Lord Jesu Please Touch her an dgive her Life YOur are th ewLIfe Lord please give her life. the abundant life that you came otgive her LEASEEE dont dont tak emy grandma yet. Pelas ei m sorry for lal my sins. LOrd IMA so sorry. please do all that you Can to heal my grandma and if need by raise her back to life in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ even here on earth . Please Lord do all iny our power to guide all the popel at the hopital where she is at with Your Holy SPirit and give LIFe Lord Plea se prolongue her life giver her Life. I beg you please pleas epleaspelas eplaepels let htis be your Will Lord. LEt your Will be done . Please be glorified. I pray oyu do all iny our power to heal all her cells Lord Jesu Christ and protect her form all evil. I opray you pleas eplease hear this pray . Please keep her aliv eplease heal her and please do all that you can Lord Jesu Christ to destroy the works of the devil in her life comepletely and heal her by your Holy Blood in Jesu Christ name I pray. Lord Please used Your Holy Blood to save my grandma form all her sins, to destory every work of the evil in her life And i pray comign by your Holy Blood to use you Holy Blood Your stripes to heal my grandma of all health problems., of all body malfunctions. Please make my grandma whole with YOur Holy Blood Lord Jesus Christ. Please heal her wiht YOu r stripes Lord JeuChrist. Please breathlif einto her Lord Jesu Christ. YOu are the Life. Please OYu ahve al the powr. Please. YOu have al the glory. Please Do all that YOu can Lord Jesu Christ to make her whole. All glor yi YOUrs . Please I beg you breath lif eint o all her body for your glory and permantley maker her whole with Your Holy Blood. Please guid eher with your Holy Spirit . Please heal her to call upon thenam eof the Lord Jesu Christ. please braith lif einto her. Lord Jesu Christ breath lif einto her and permantley hear her body. Lord please i beg you Lord Jesu Christ breath lif iento her whole body. Touc ha ll her flesh with your Holy Spirit and remove everything in her life that is preventing her form being healed by the stripes of the Lord Jesu Christ. Lord have mercyy deliver us all form unbelief. Please help my unbeelif. her her unbelif. Please reveal your self to my grandma Now in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ please hela all her body of all illness. please let the prayer of faith heal her and save her . Please heal her form all her sickness to glorify YOu Lord Jesu Christ. do not let the enemy hurt her in anyway. Lord Jeus Christ i pray her yat oyur feet in faith . I pray OYu will do all iny our power to heal her and please protect her form all evil at all times. Only send People into her life whom you want and only allow them to say what you want them to say and only giver her the treatment you want her to have.All accordign to You Will. I pray if you be willing Lord Jesu Christ breath Life into all her flesh . Please Prolongue her lif and please destroy the devil in her iife and body and brain and heart and hier mind in every way in the name of the Lord Jesu Christ by the Power of the Holy Spirit Fight for my grandma Lord Jesu Christ pleas eintercede for her and deliver her form all evil and all hard and make her whole by Your stripes. Do not all the devil to take away our faith in you and your stripes Lord Jesu Christ. their is no Goid. Only YOu can save. Lord please give my grandma sound , mind power and love and to all people too. Please give her a constant flow of oxygen to all her cells. Please if she need any medical quipmetn please give it to my grandma at the right noe. Please Lord heavenly Fathe rin ask in the nam eof the Lord Jes CHrist to do all that you can to heal my grandma permantley by the stripes of the Lord JesuChrist an dthat she belive in the Lord JEsu Christ with all her heart unto salvation. Lord please do all iny our power to prolongue her life and to giver her fealing miraculouls to all her flash . Pelase touch my gradnma wher eshe is weak and strengthen her. Please mirculoulsy strengthen her heart and breath life int o her body her nose her lungs and breath the best oxygen your life int o all her body. Lord please od all in your power to protect my grandma form all evil and destroy the work of the devil ove revery devil in her lif ein every way. deliver her form the graspp of the enemy in every way Lord Jesu Christ. Please deliver fer from all evil and brign healing to all her flesh. Lord Jesu Christ do not allow anyone to hurt her or hard her. Do all in your power to help my grandma. PLEave move Heavena dn erath to help heal my grandma by the stripe sof the Lord Jesu Christ. Do not allow my grandma by have anymore illness but be delivered form all illness and all weakness please clean her body Lord . Please clean her blood form all toxins and impurities and from all blockages and obstructions. Please PERmantley alight her body so that she can breath easily, have excelent blood pressure so that al her cells have oxygen and the right amount as wella dn the right amount of nurtrtirant.s to everything in your power to heal her body and give her lifeby the stripe sof the Lord Jeus Christ I pray.