Hi, there’s another person who’s 18 years old and possibly is suffering from burns and a child named Evert possibly is suffering from severe seizure disorder.
Please pray for healing and salvation/ repentance including the latter for those around the above.
Also, I normally only ask for prayer request for various different people including children who likely/ possibly/ specially are suffering from various illnesses and/ or other various medical issues to be healed and saved/ to repent including those around those who may be suffering. On this occasion, I need a certain amount of money for something and my options are very limited I guess to put it that way. Not to be fussy, greedy or whatever the right word for this is, please pray that I receive this certain amount of money, hopefully within a short period of time. Hoepfully, if this ever happens again, this bit is kept to a minimum of not ever get to a position of never asking anyone to pray that I receive money but I don’t want to make any promises in case I don’t keep them. Thank you so much.
Please pray for healing and salvation/ repentance including the latter for those around the above.
Also, I normally only ask for prayer request for various different people including children who likely/ possibly/ specially are suffering from various illnesses and/ or other various medical issues to be healed and saved/ to repent including those around those who may be suffering. On this occasion, I need a certain amount of money for something and my options are very limited I guess to put it that way. Not to be fussy, greedy or whatever the right word for this is, please pray that I receive this certain amount of money, hopefully within a short period of time. Hoepfully, if this ever happens again, this bit is kept to a minimum of not ever get to a position of never asking anyone to pray that I receive money but I don’t want to make any promises in case I don’t keep them. Thank you so much.