I have asked God in Jesus’ name to honor your prayer request for healing. God is in control. Have Faith in God. Trust Him.
***As a child of God included in your inheritance is the right to good health. Yes, God uses Doctors to do a great work. The bottom line is God is the Healer. Continue to go to the Doctor that God leads you to. When God heals the doctor’s report will confirm it. God is our healer.
***Let This Be Your Confession***
Christ Has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us. For it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. (Gal. 3:13)
Jesus You have redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore I am redeemed form ‘ALL’ sickness. I do not receive sickness as a part of my life. It has no part in me. And I command sickness in Jesus name to leave my body, flesh, mind, soul and spirit.
I Peter 2:24 ….I declare by the wounds of Jesus Christ I was healed. It is past tense. The work has already been done. God’s healing power flows in me, through me, all round me, through the Word of God and I am healed in Jesus Name. Glory be to God. I cast the burden of sickness on Jesus Christ and I go free. He who the Son Of God sets free is free indeed. Jesus Christ has set me free.
Jesus took my sickness 2000 years ago. My sickness was placed on Christ, so that I can be redeemed from sickness. Christ redeem me from all sickness. I declare it. I have a right to declare it in Jesus’ Name! I cast the spirit of doubt, worry, and fear out of my life in Jesus’ Name! God has not given me the spirit of fear, but love, power, and a sound mind. I am blessed. I am healed. I am loved. In Jesus’ Name!