Prayer Request For My General Well Being & My List Of Problems Of Me & My Fly

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Disciple of Prayer
                            PRAISE THE LORD

[SIZE=10pt]TO, [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt] My Beloved Father The God Almighty in Heaven,The Son Lord Jesus Christ & The Holy Spirit  One God Forever & ever Amen Amen Amen  HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA .... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON....[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]                                                               THE HOLY TRINITY[/SIZE]

                                               The God of Abraham Issac and Jacob

                                                               The True Living God

[SIZE=12pt] The Western Wall Jerusalem's holiest site is a place a prayer for everyone.King Solomon, at his dedication of the Temple, asked G-d to accept the prayers of all who came to worship in this place. (1 Kings 8:41-43) Isaiah, the prophet,called it "a house of prayer for all nations".[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I hope & trust in you O God that my prayer petitions will be heard & answered by you in my favour as per my prayers written as you can read our minds,thoughts & hearts of your children.O God have mercy on me & incline Your ears & heart towards me & answer my prayers for I hope &  trust in You. The Western wall is a sacred place where Your mighty presence is always there.i beleive in Your promise made to king Solomon that whoever looks & prays towards the western wall his prayer will surely be answered by You,for You are a God of truth,righteousness & true to Your words & ever merciful to Your children.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] I Mr.George Chacko residing at 203,Dhandurga CHS,Uthalsar Marg Thane 400601 Maharashtra,India,humbly request You O God my Father in Heaven to answer my petitions with your graceful blessings  & with due rewards in my favour,ie show mercy compassion towards my prayer request,& grant me justice.O God grant me  peace, wisdom,love,affection,grace,prosperity,leadership qualities,mass following,convincing tacts so that people agree to me & they get convinced & i be successful in my mission & goals & also i should be successful in my real estate deals in which people should agree when I convince them to buy/sell of house ,plot ,tdr,& commercial space & shop & do things whatever I say & also pour over me Your Holy Spirit in abundance.O Lord Command & Rebuke & Remove the devil & the evil spirit out of me as I am bounded by the evil spirit so I am not able to come out of it I want to be Your child not of the devil,I believe in You O Lord that only You Yourself can do it & no one else can do except YOU as You are God.You who did wonders when You were in this world, I Praise You O LORD,You drove out devils from peoples bodies,Just do it as You did when You were in this earth,how You commanded & rebuked the devil & the evil spirits to go out of the body of those possessed with evil spirits,I believe in You that You are the Christ my Saviour & only You can do it & no one else can do it  pls do it for me & bless me & save me amen amen amen I want You to do the same for me too,so that I am clean & fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that there is no space for evil again in me. Make my body Your Temple so that You dwell in me forever & I in You forever.amen amen amen.O Lord make me worthy of You Sprinkle the Holy Blood on me & save me from his clutches,just like You forgave the robber on Your Right Side who repented at his sins & accepted You as his Lord in the same way forgive me too & I accept You as my Lord ,pls heal me for I am willing,O God of my Salvation command & rebuke the devil & the evil spirits to come out of me instantly move out of my body & never ever return to me again & fill in me Your Holy Spirit  O Lord & save me & also forgiveness of my sins which are enormous & countless.cleanses me as white as snow & revive me so that I gain back my lost paradise & live as Your child with You forever & ever amen amen amen……Selah [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I humbly bow down my head & knees & put forward my petitions kindly consider me worthy & grant me THY HOLY favours.O Father I am weak & meak do not count my iniquities & transgressions for they are huge.O EVERLOVING FATHER grant me Your Holy Favours so that I will regain my life & move ahead in life.I have sinned against You & my sins are grave & shameful,O GOD MY FATHER I want to put all my sins away of the past & want to live in Your commandents & under the shadow of Your Wings I will take refuge.O my FATHER in HEAVEN have mercy on me Your child & revive me back to life as I am a dead man now without Your presence.Remove Your anger from me & Just have compassion & mercy towards me,& lift me up from the pit in which I have fallen.Show me THE LIGHT of YOUR COUNTENANCE. I AM REALLY SORRY for My SHAMEFUL THOUGHTS, DEEDS and ACTS.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I look up towards You for help for I hope & trust in You O God incline Your ears & Your heart towards me & show mercy & compassion to my prayer petitions ie  sorrows,pains,sufferings & answer me quickly.Send Your Blessed Son Lord JESUS CHRIST to Shepherd me & pour over me THY HOLY SPIRIT in abundance.O Lord let me have life through Your Blessed Son Lord Jesus Christ & through the communion be with The Holy Trinity forever & ever.amen amen amen. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] The God of my Salvation,The Living God,The Mighty God,drive out the devil & evil spirits,evil thoughts & evil deeds from my head,heart,body,spirit & cleanses me with The Holy Blood of Lord Jesus & make me as white as snow & also make me  blameless. Bless me as You blessed Abraham, Issac,Jacob,David and Solomon, I am not comparing myself with them as I am no one but a big zero in front of them.what i mean is Your free flowing blessings as You dwelt with them ie You blessed Solomon with wisdom and peace,with Jacob You fought with him in the open field and blessed him.i know I am a big sinner but if You cleanse me I will also be blameless.its my wish O God let it happen to me.Grant me Patience Trust & Faith in You to love You & seek You always & also put the seal of You O Lord on my forehead & also on my entire family ‘s forehead too Amen Amen Amen…..Selah.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Let this prayer be a sweet aroma & incense before You & may it please You & grant me YOUR HOLY Favours  in Your esteemed sight & bless me abundantly & help me recover the lost paradise.The gap between You & me should  be just a call away.I want to be the branch of the wine You have planted & bear good fruits the stem being The Lord Jesus Christ.Let this prayer bear good fruits to me Amen Amen Amen. HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ..........KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.......[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]                  Following are my petitions to be answered on urgent basis[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Lord I am jobless & i need an urgent,secure & permanent job in a good organization with good salary ie as per managers grade + perks & incentives with increment every year working hours 10am-5.30pm.The job should be hazzle free of tensions & stress,with peaceful working atmosphere.I should be able to work effectively, efficiently & properly .Mr.Nitin Yesugade should again talk to Mr.Lodha Builders about my job & fix my job as per my choice & make him do the followup for my job ,give him disturbed sleepless nights because of  me & my job & my society matters (complaints),don't let him sleep in peace & make him always think of me in his sleep that I am Your child,so that the next morning he goes to him & speaks to him about me & my job & also make Mr.Santosh Pathak be compelled to take me in their organisation by creating a special vaccancy & absorb me in their organization & give him also sleepless nights because of my job unless he does it don't let him sleep in peace let him be disturbed due to me,let this happen to them everyday till they do my work,make him always think of me in his sleep that I am Your child,so that the next morning he calls me & fix up my job & give me a good fat salary. They should not ask me any questions that embrass me,in interview,grant me wisdom & knowledge to face the interview easily & answer the questions rightly & intelligently & the interview should be successful so that they select  me in their organization without any fuss & accept me in the position of manager sales as per the vacancy.O God help me & grant me the skill to work efficiently,effectively,& properly,& make a good name in their hearts & minds of people in the organization,grant me the art to handle all situation with atmost wisdom knowledge & neatness,my seniors & juniors should support me in all my office work so that my work is complete.O God have mercy on me & hear me & answer my prayers for I hope & trust in You.Do not forsake me & my prayers O Lord for I hope & trust in You.O Lord I surrender all my weakness & place it at Your FEET ie ( all failures,failures in interviews & failures at workplace,failures in real estate deals,fear,agony,emptiness, joblessness,losses,anger,ego ,pride,false dreams & thoughts,all that is not of You & evil & devilish emotions),cleanse me of my weakness with YOUR HOLY BLOOD & heal me of Your wounds & sufferings & make me a new person as per Your WILL & I transfer all my burdens on to Your shoulders pls accept it & help me & revive me new ie (all my weakness,worries,sufferings,pains,fear of what will happen of tomorrow,failures,negativity (feelings,thoughts,deeds,energy,fear),losses,anger,pride,agony,my evil desires,irresponsibility,carelessness,selfcentredness,bad emotions of evil,backfiring unnecessarily at my God my Lord for my failures & sins & argueing senselessly mostly I being like that of the robber on the left side who just critizing my God ,testing my God & always grumbling person with my God & make me repent like the robber on the right side & accept me,& remember me O Lord when You come in Your Full Glory on the Judgement Day do not count my sins but forgive me & take me to Your Eternal  Kingdom of Glory forever & ever.amen amen amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA..KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON....  Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me peace,positive( feeling,energy,thoughts,deeds,boldness,courage),radiant glow in me due to You, good skills,wisdom to know all the things of Your Kingdom & the Beautiful Paradise,Creation & to know You more & more.Grant me good health,good salesman abilities,convincing skills & the tact to close any deals perfectly,generate good income for me,[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] goodluck,good leadership qualities & success in all respect ie careerwise, jobwise, businesswise, position, respect, creditability, prosperity & judgement. O God have mercy on me & hear me & answer my prayers for I hope & trust in You. Do not forsake me & my prayers  O Lord for I hope & trust in You. Amen amen amen HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA....KURIYELAIESOON   KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.........Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Lord I had met the Thane municipal  officers at the TMC office argued & discussed my problems with the TMC officials after hearing both sides, they have given us 15 days time to resolve the problems mutually,or else they will take action against those responsible & the society as a whole.O Lord,let all the TMC Officials whoever responsible ie mr.purnekar,mr.mankar,mr.nitin yesugade,mr ramdas shinde,Mr.jitendra bhupale & the municipal commissioner  for the delay in their work about my complaint should have traumatic sleepless nights & yell in guilt,agony ,fear,sweat,piss & **** because of You O Lord & show them that is because they have not done their work properly & neglected my complaints & not attended to my work properly & unless they do it, dont let them sleep in peace make their family also suffer because of them.O Lord You have seen & heard what happened there & also how Mr.Rajesh Pawar & Mr.Pramod Shinde spoke lies in front of the TMC officers,O God You are a God full of TRUTH & You hate wicked people & liars,O God sharpen Your sword & arrows & strike them mercilessly & take Your vengeance on this ungodly people who have struck me & my fly without a cause,O Lord have mercy & compassion on me & hear my petitions attentively & carefully & incline Your ears & heart towards me & answer me from YOUR HOLY THRONE & grant me justice & resolve My Society's problems in my favour in the coming 15 days time & in the meeting they should have no voice or stand because of fear & traumatic sleepless nights so that they should have no options but to pay me the said amount of the cost mentioned in the architects report  ie Rs.4 lacs+ & I should get my compensation claim of Rs.4 lakhs+ & also the society members should be in my favour always & they  should not object to the demands made by me but justify my demands all the time,The TMC officials should act on my behalf & also should support me for my just cause, the society members should pressurize the people who have done the damages to my house to pay us the compensation amount & also the open terrace shed on which dirty garbage is thrown should be removed by the TMC officials as per the notice, because we are not able to open the windows as dirty foul smell,rats,cats,flies & ants enter my house,I am not able to breathe fresh air & our health is at stake,as our windows are closed due to the garbage & water been thrown on the shed,the people who throw garbage & water on the shed are influencial people politically & financially powerful. Do not allow Mr.Pramod Shinde to sell his flat unless he does my work & remove his shed which he constructed illegally & do all the repairing & change all my doors & windows & my kitchen work & bathroom work etc,O Lord let all those responsible fight among themselves without reasons & let me see them tear themselves apart & also their downfall & none of them should come near us or will not harm us in any way.Let all my enemies be driven far away from my presences.O Lord proclaim victory for Your children & let them know that You are the TRUE LIVING God ,the God of my Salvation & they should always fear us because You are our God & we are Your children. Strike them  with Your vengeance & consume them in Your Wrath & hot displeasure in the same way as You struck King Pharoh of Egypt & teach them a lesson,so that they should know, if they oppress God’s children in any form God will surely strike them. strike especially those people staying big & small in flat nos:-  103,201,202,204,303,304,403,404,502,503,602,603,604 with all sorts of miseries,traumatic sleepless nights in fear & agony & wakeup in sweat,piss & ****,,all sorts of losses,legal hassles.O Lord the building chairperson Mr.Pradeep Sawardekar  told me to submit an architects report then he will do the needful ,but after giving the report also they didn’t bother to help me instead they ignored my problems & isolated me.O Lord You know that I am going through a financial crunch & after that also I made the report they did not ever bother about it ,after that I sent two legal notices to them still after that also they did not care ,O Lord strike them Hard & Corner them ie  mr.Pradeep Sawardekar , mr. Kamat & mr.Shivaji Patil before the meeting ,so that they piss & **** in their pants & everyone in the society should see & fear,just when they hear or see us anywhere around (Mrs.Annamma Chacko & Mr.George Chacko ) & they should  resign from the post of chairperson & treasury for they speak lies,& act stubbornly & change their stances always.O Lord hate them for my sake & strike them with Your vengence O Lord I want them to know that we are Your children & we worship You &  how You save Your children by Your right hand & bless them .O God You have seen the miseries & sorrows of me & my family & also You have seen their behaviour,stubbornness,lies,wickedness,arrogance,wicked schemes,what they did to me & our house after promising to do the repairing work & then not doing it after their work was completed. For mr. Pramod Shinde has denied me that he will not remove the shed which he constructed illegally, I want him to remove his shed which he constructed illegally O Lord give him traumatic sleepless nights,severe financial crunches & force him to remove the shed with no options. Force them that is  Mr.Rajesh Pawar & Mr. Pramod Shinde to pay me the said amount of rs. 4lacs  for repairing work of my entire house & bring them to Your FEET & then drag them towards us with no options & agree to pay me the amount in my favour.Mr.Pramod Shinde is trying to sell his house,O Lord do not send any buyers to him unless he agrees to pay me the full amount & after receiving the said amount only he should be able to sell his house,even the society should not give him the NOC unless he clears my payments & onces the society gets my NOC only then he will be permitted to sell his house.Do not spare them or show them any kind of mercy for let them know that this is Your RIGHT HAND that has struck them because of us,O Lord, after repeatedly requesting to them to do the work they never bothered to even look at it (complaints).O Lord I have only You to look up to for You are my God & I need  justice from this ungodly people,they are stubborn,arrogant,wicked people,O God hate them for they are full of pride & sharpen Your sword & arrows to strike them & bring them to dust whoever have risen against me,mix their life in[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] confusion,severe financial crunches & fear,cut off their tongues who speaks against me,put fear in them whenever they see us,O Lord,arise O Lord with Your severe vengeance & bring Mr.Rajesh Pawar & Mr.Pramod Shinde & other society members like treasurey, chairman,secretary,etc to Your feet & make them pay the said compensation amount to me & also strike them with diseases,pests & break their bones in pieces,let those who throw garbage & water on the shed from above our house ie 3rd flr,4th flr,5th flr & 6th flr people should have joint dislocation of their hands & feet with horrible & agonizing pain should take lots of time & should be bedridden always so that they are not able to do anything in their house & should be depended on others always,let their house be in ruins always & no one should buy their house & with none to show mercy at them,strike them with financial loses,guilt,defamation,legal hassles,loss of work,tensions,remove peace from their lives & add miseries,give them traumatic sleepless nights,so that they should yell in agony & fear in their sleep because of You show them that You are our God & we are Your children O Lord do it for my sake,give them pain,debts,fear,uncertainty,fights in their workplace & fights with clients, do not show any kind of mercy at them until You subdue them fully, strike those people whoever responsible ie who removed the TMC notice from the notice board which I pasted,just strike their palm & feet (not the watchman) but whoever ordered the removal of the notice from the notice board strike their palm & feet instantly & reveal me those responsible for it.O God do not let this ungodly & decietful people rule over You & Your children & do not let man prevail over You,for O Lord remember Your (covenent) promise  with Your children & have mercy towards Your children & save your children from this wicked & deceitful people let Your right hand strike them with anger & full of vengeance.O God continue Your lovingkindness to those who know You & Your righteousness to the upright in heart,let not the foot of pride come against me,& let not the hand of the wicked drive me away,where the workers of iniquity have fallen,they have been cast down & are not able to rise.let them be like a chaff before the wind & let the Angel of the Lord chase them, let their ways be dark & slippery,& let the Angel of the Lord pursue them for without a cause they have hidden their nets for me in a pit,which they have dug without a cause for my life,let destruction come upon them unexpectedly.& let their nets that they have hidden  catch themselves into that destruction let them fall & let my soul shall be joyful in the Lord,it shall rejoice in His Salvation all my bones shall say,Lord who is like You, Delivering the poor from him who is too strong for him, yes the poor & the needy from him who plunders him,O Lord i hate who regards vain idols, for i hope & trust in you & i will always rejoice in Your mercy, for You have considered my troubles, for You have known my soul in times of adversities & have not shut me up into the hands of my enemies ,for You have set my feet in a wide place.O Lord turn yourself to me & have mercy on me ,for i am desolate & afflicted,the troubles of my heart have enlarged,O God bring me out of my distresses,look on my afflictions & my pain,& forgive all my sins.Consider my enemies for they are many,& they hate me with cruel hatred[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]. Let the pit which they dug for me be a trap for themselves and they should be trapped permantently.O Lord of my salvation listen to my prays attentively & carefully & with compassion & mercy,answer my prayers as per my request from Your Holy Throne & make me victorious by defeating my enemies.let them suddenly perish to their own deeds & actions & gestures.amen amen amen. [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]O God keep my soul & deliver me ,let me not be ashamed for i put my hope & trust in You let integrity & uprightness preserve me,for i wait for You Redeem me & my family O God out of all our not hide Your face from me O Lord.i cried out to You O Lord & to the Lord i made my supplication,what profit is there in my blood, when i go down to the pit ? will the dust praise You ? will it declare Your Truth? hear O Lord & have mercy on me,Lord be my helper.O Lord You have turned for me my mourning into dancing You have put off my sackcloth & clothed me with gladness to the end that my glory may sing praise to You & not be silent.O Lord my God i will give thanks to You forever.The children around my society have created a rebellion shout against me & my fly do not spare them strike them with diseases,pest & break all their bones in pieces with fall from the staircases. especially the children of Mr.Pramod Shinde & his fly,Mr.Bharat Shah & his fly,Mr.Rajesh Pawar & his fly,Mr.Kamat & his fly,Mr.Pradeep Sawardekar & his fly,Mr.Chandrakant Shah & his fly,Mr.Chalke & his fly,Mr.Waghela & his fly,Mr.Singh & his fly (flat no.603).Mr.Kadam & his fly ,Mr. Shivaji Patil & his fly,Mr.Vijay Gavli & fly,Mr.Singh & his fly ( & Mrs.Neelima Shastri,should be struck immediately with physical fights from unknown sources with financial loses,with constant fear & uncertainty,mentally go astray,fear of losing their house due to municipal action,uncertainty,with traumatic sleepless nights should yell in fear & agony & wake up because of You,for have struck them  O Lord.They should be struck with diseases & pests,their financial assets being impounded by their own friends & enemies,remove peace of mind from their lives,let there be physical fights wherever they go,they should be mentally destroyed,with none to show mercy at them & let them not rise again.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Let the pit which they dug for me be a trap for themselves & they should be trapped & shut in it permantently.O Lord of my salvation listen to my prays attentively & carefully & with compassion & mercy,answer my prayers as per my request from your holy throne & make me victorious by defeating my enemies.let them suddenly perish to their own deeds & actions & gestures.amen amen amen.[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Let the temple volunteers now group up only against Mr.Pramod Shinde & fly,Mr.Rajesh Pawar & fly,Mr Pradeep Savardekar & fly,Mr.Waghela & fly,Mr.Singh & fly,Mr Kamat & fly,Mr.Vijay Gavli whenever they throw garbage & pour water on the shed & it should fall on the temple volunteers & on people passing by & there should be fights physical always with them,those names mentioned above, they should be caught redhanded when they throw garbage or water.Do not forsake me & my prayers & grant me justice & also make them do the entire repairing work & pay[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] me the said amount in my favour for I Hope & Trust in You for You are a True Living God not like other pagans &  idols which cannot speak, hear ,walk or do any movements,who is dependent on the people who created them ,for my enemies beleive in them ,but for me I believe in You O God & only to You I pray,from You I live,from You I am saved,from You I am satisfied.O Lord I place all my burdens on You & pls accept it & help me & save me. Amen Amen Amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ....KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON........Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me Forgiveness from my sins which I have done knowingly & unknowingly & shameful sins.i have hurt my friends,teachers, my fly members,mentally & physical hit them I am sorry for the act I have done & i am ashamed for it & I totally regret it from my bottom of my heart. Heal me from this sin & make me worthy of you O Lord & have compassion towards me & pour over me Thy Holy Spirit in abundance & bless me. amen amen amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA …….. KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON........Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me serenity,courage,strength,boldnesss,obedience,patience,faith,hope in abundances to walk in Your statutes & praise You always  & do Your Holy Will & to fight & resist the devil & evil in all forms ,grant me the  gift of tongue,gift of vision, gift of wisdom & gift of faith & gift of trust in  You in all respects to know Your ways & Will & to love You more & more & be obedient to You & remain ever faithful to You.amen amen amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA …… KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.........Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me forgiveness from the wrong accusation I made against You & Your Son & The Holy Spirit in my sheer madness, foolishness,frustration,distress,sorrow.I am REALLY SORRY for it from the bottom of my heart I regret it fully & sincerely.I am SHAMEFUL for what I did & said & what I think in my thoughts, mind & heart .pls heal my thoughts,mind,heart,deeds,gestures & drive out the evil spirit out of me & fill in me Your Holy Spirit permanently as You saved Adam.Heal me from this sin amen amen amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA…… KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.......Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me permission to come to Israel with my fly & stay there in Your Holy Land, grant me Your Divine Holy favours & do not forsake me & my prayers.awaiting Your call O Lord anxiously.Amen Amen Amen.HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.......Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O God I prayer for the peace of Israel & safeguard Your children with all its neighbours & with the whole world  & make them victorious. amen.amen,amen.Haleluia Haleluia Haleluia.... Kuryeilaisoon, Kuryeilaisoon, Kuryeilaisoon....Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O  LORD I thank You for the innumerous favours done to me from my birth till date.I thank You for it a million thousand times. amen amen amen HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA...... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON........Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]My health problems like muscle cramps,headache,giddiness,breathlessness (asthma),bp,vertago,toothache,hearing problems obesity,indigestion,tensions,stress,should get healed,& also heal me spiritually, physically,mentally, should never have mental illness in life ,no surgerys in life ,even my mother Annamma Chacko ailments like vadum,indigestion,liver problems & her urinal infection etc should be healed.Heal her spiritually,physically,mentally,should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.My wife's health problems like urinal incontinency,cough,obesity,hands & feet pains known or unknown problems etc should be healed, & heal her physically, spiritually, mentally,should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.O God grant us a baby boy with Your blessings he should be healthy,full of wisdom,God fearing person,peace loving,good natured leadership qualities, long life successful person make us happy.My brother Thomas Chacko health problems known or unknown heal him,heal him of diseases like prostrate problem to be cured without surgery,liver problems, bp,cough,indigestion etc should be healed,heal him spiritually physically,mentally, should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life & also heal his fly members healthwise & also,heal them spiritually,physically ,mentally, should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.bring my brothers fly close to You & should follow You & Your statues & take baptisim & follow Christianity.My sister Mary Ommenn health problems like bp,headache ,bodyache,obesity, etc should be healed,heal her spiritually, physically,mentally should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.also heal her fly members healthwise & also heal them spiritually,physically,and mentally,no surgerys in life,my uncle P.S.George health problems like eye & eyesight problems,bp,hernia,diabeties,etc should be healed & also heal him spiritually, physically,mentally should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.heal his wife my aunty from her ailments,& heal her spiritually Physically,mentally, should never have mental illness in life,heal my brother mr.Merlyn from his ailments known & unknown diseases heal him spiritually Physically & mentally should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life & heal his wife too from ailments known & unknown heal him spiritually,physically,mentally should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.Heal my sister Joselyn of her ailments known or unknown heal her spiritually,physically,mentally should never have mental illness in life ,no surgerys in brother Tom heal him of all the ailments known & unknown heal him spiritually,physically,mentally, should never have mental illness in life ,no surgerys in life my uncle Philipose & my  brother Samson ,reji & his fly,no surgerys in life heal them of the aliments known or unknown heal them spirituall,physically  & mentally should never have mental illness in uncle P.S.Skariah & his family  heal them from ailments known or unknown heal them spiritually ,physically,& mentally should never have mental illness in life,no surgerys in life.grant all us peaceful long life. Grant us Your Divine Holy favours & do not forsake me & my prayers for I hope & trust in You. AMEN AMEN AMEN HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON....Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Everloving FATHER protect me & my fly from all dangers from attacks in all respect ie from politicians, animals,creatures,birds,fishes,etc ,police,criminals,robbers,cheats,conn person,govt authorities,from dangers of earthquakes,storms,rains,fire,volcanoes,floods,acid attack,electricity,water,from all types of accidents,from all types vehicles accidents ie while travelling in train,bus,taxi,rickshaws,trucks,jeeps,aeroplanes,ship,motor cars ,bikes,falls,chemicals & bomb attacks etc.My fly means my mother Annamma Chacko ,myself George Chacko, my wife Mary George,my brother Thomas chacko and his fly ,my sister Mary Ommenn and her fly my uncles Mr.P.S. George & fly,Mr.P.S Skariah & fly,Mr.Philipose John & not forsake me & my prayers for I hope &  trust in You & save me amen Amen amen amen HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON....Selah[/SIZE]

 O God make me successful & prosperous & wealthy & generate good income for me  in all my real estate deals, let dr.amar bhide (green zone) have faith & trust in me  so that the deal clicks without any hassles should agree to work together without any problems & I get my brokerages from him immediately after the deal is clicked.make mr. amar bhide call me on his own so that the deal  goes through successfully ,I am awaiting his call in the coming 2-3 days.O God i have tdr no 1,2,3,4,5,6,11 of thane city & also some flats & shops to be sold & rented out pls help me deal it successfully so that it too goes smoothly for me & also get my brokerages from both sides without any one knowing it.The brokers & owners of the tdr/ plot/flat/shops should call me & show me the DRC copy  of the TDR & also the flat owners & shop owners should show me their papers of the flat,shop & plot with trust so that I can deal it peacefully & safely with both sides brokerages.Builders should approach me diretly to deal in plots /flats/bungalows.i should have buyers & sellers so that I can be fully successful & get my brokerages on time without any hassles. mr.manji patel/mr.shekar/mr.baapus/mr.gholap/mahavir/dilip bhoir/narendra jain/santosh kode/visariya /hasmukh jain/jagdish jain/ madhu kotian/ashok taralkar/amrish & agrawal group/arti.s/baalu mhatre/girish.p/wadhwa associates/baban nare/tanu  & any other agents  those whose deal with me known or unknown agents or builders should not interfere in any of my deals & they should only support me in all the neccessary formalities they will not argue with my share of my brokerages what I get. They should call me with proposals & help me click the deal in my favour.The people who give us the brokerages should pay us in cheque with tds been cut on our individual name so that there is no dispute & they should always be subordinate to me always & work in my favour & just do as per my wish only.I should be successful in real estate dealings & i should get my brokeages on time with the completion of every deal (2%).No one should cheat or bypass me in any form of dealings,all the people should respect & understand& accept all my terms & conditions & always listen to me & also act as per my terms & conditions whatever I say they should do as per my wish.grant me instant success from today onwards in all my dealings,I should be able to successfully deal atleast 3 deals per month & i should get my brokeages, after all my deals instantly ie for tdr/land/flats/finance loan/bw transactions.People should approach me with their title clear properties & there should be buyers too from my side.all deals should be done peacefully.i should be able to get my deals with proper agents & at right price& clean deals peacefully & without any sort of legal hinderances or any sort of threats from  goons,politicians,police,conman,robbers,cheats, govt officials,etc.keep me away from all sorts of legal hassles & protect me always under your massive wings. Do not forsake me & my prayers O Lord for I hope & trust in You. amen amen amen HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ...KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON......Selah

[SIZE=12pt]I wish to sell my present house in Dhandurga CHS  flat no 203 at uthalsar thane  for Rs. 1Cr+ without any problems within the coming days. Send a  buyer who is filthy rich to buy my house within the coming days,so the buyer  should approach me on his own because he wants  a house urgently in my building itself & like my flat at one go & should not ask for any queries he should not be bothered  of the condition of my house,but just buy it at his own risk with full payment of rs.1cr & after that I should get a 2bhk house well furnished which should be an auspious house with Your presence in the house & have good ventilation,the house should be anywhere near to these area mentioned only ie  thane stn (west) /talaopali /cherai/karve rd in a legal building with OC ,age of building maximum upto 5yrs old building only ,a spacious house with master bedroom around 1000 sq.ft area for 50 lakhs.for you nothing is impossible O Lord,You can get me a house with ease at this price.O God have mercy on me & incline Your ears & heart towards me & answer my prayers for I hope & trust in You.Do not forsake me & my prayers O Lord for I hope & trust in You. AMEN AMEN AMEN HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA... KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON………Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Grant me wisdom,good leadership qualities,knowledge, to understand & to do proper application of the knowledge & wisdom with effectiveness,efficiencyl& sincereity, grant me goodluck ie whenever I pick up any  lottery  tickets YOU be with me & guide me to pick up the right tickets & put the right nos in the game of lottery so that I should always win large amounts of money or get 1st prize or whenever I participate in any quiz I should win large amounts money or 1st prize & be  successful in all respect,should be successful in my career, job, business, position, respect, creditability, prosperity & judgement. O God have mercy on me & hear me & answer my prayers for I hope & trust in You. Do not forsake me & my prayers  O Lord for I hope & trust in You. O Lord I surrender my weakness ie failures,fear,anger,ego,pride,false dreams,all that is not of you & evil emotions,thoughts deeds & gestures & place it at your feet & transfer my burden on to your shoulders pls help me & revive me as you transformed the robber at the right hand side for I hope & trust in you.Amen amen amen HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA....KURIYELAIESOON   KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON.......Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Lord nurse Kalani has cheated my wife for rs.1lac. for she claims,that she did the transfer work of my wife which she didn’t do.i want her to have traumatic sleepless nights & also reveal her why she is having traumatic sleepless nights by showing her that it is because she cheated Mary George her fellow nurse that she is having this problems of sleeplessness so that she brings back the said amount of rs.1lac to us and says that she has not done it & had cheated her Mary George & she is sorry for it.O Lord do not let her be at peace unless she gives back our entire money back.amen amen amen…...Selah [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Lord elections are in progress in India I want india to be corruption free,progressive & want a secular govt to come to power. People should get good quality  (food, clothing, shelter),good healthcare,hospital expenses free,good quality education,job opportunties with good salaries,opportunities of progress,supportive people,good goverances without any hassles in govt offices,complaints attended properly & effectively, online works executed in all govt office without even going physically there,good transport facility,good electronics gadets,mechanical items,machinces,solar power instruments ,electicity & medicines,good quality food production & supply of fish ,poultry & meat at low prices, gold prices should come down drastically,cars & other vehicles should also be at low price with less taxation,less excise & custom duties on all items should be less & affordable to people,ac,cooler,fridge,mobiles,mixers ,washing machines, computers,cctv cameras,solar panels,electic & solar based gadgets,appliances,vehicles should be available easily at low rates,drinking water & sanitation should be available to everyone  free of cost etc at low price.goons,politicians & corrupt officials should be jailed with all their assests impounded.keep away these political parties like  bjp,congress,ncp,bsp,rpi,shivsena,mns,sp,tmc,dmk,from winning the 2014 elections,work miracles for india let AAP & communist & secular parties form the govt 2014 .communal & facstist parties should not win the elections.all criminals who contest the elections should lose their deposits.let a good govt come to power & support Israel & restore Peace in Israel grant them the Jerusalem as their capital & fight terrortists and serve the world let our country progress to prosperity & development & also serve other countries with equal status ie good food,clothing,medicines etc. O God nothing is impossible for you pls grant us this favour Amen Amen Amen……..Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]O Lord I pray for the departed souls in our fly ie my father Mr.A.T.Chacko, my aunty Mrs Aleyamma Philipose, my brother Mr.Johnson Philipose,my grandma Mrs.Mariamma Samuel,my grandfather Mr.P.C.Samuel,my grandfather Mr.Chacko Thomas,Mr.P.P.Philipose,Mrs Annamma Kunjmathai,my great grandfather & greatgrand mother  Mr & Mrs.Philipose,& Great grand father & great grand mother Mr & Mrs Skariah, my sister Miss Alice Philipose (valsala),Mr.Haridas Motiram Chaware,Mrs.Smita Kshirsagar.O Lord forgive them of their sins & accept them into Your Kingdom Have mercy & compassion towards them when You come in Your Full Glory.O Lord do not forsake my prayers for I hope & trust in You.O God nothing is impossible for You,pls grant us this favour.amen ame amen Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]You are a TRUE  & RIGHTEOUS GOD slow to anger & ever merciful.I thank You for not showing Your anger on me as I have sinned & hurt You a million thousand times SORRY for doing sins & rebelling against You Amen Amen Amen HALELUIA HALELUIA  HALELUIA..Thank You for not punishing me as per my sins. HALELUIA   HALELUIA...HALELUIA...KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON...  Love You my Beloved FATHER in HEAVEN HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA ..  Love You The Beloved Son of God JESUS CHRIST HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA.. Love You The Living HOLY SPIRIT  of God HALELUIA HALELUIA HALELUIA   AMEN AMEN AMEN . KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON KURIYELAIESOON…….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Believeing the prayer has reached You the moment i send this prayer[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] through this email / personally hand delivered through a known source that my prayers are heard with compassion & mercy &  answered by You quickly.O Lord rejoicing in Your answered prayer & judgement  because nothing is hidden from You,as Lord JESUS said ask in My Name & My Heavenly Father will surely give it to you Knock & it will be opened to You O God i ask this in the name of Your Blessed Son Lord Jesus to answer my prayers at the earliest & save me from this ungodly & deceitful people.let Your answers & justice be revealed to me as requested to You in my prayer petitions so that I know the prayers has reached You.amen amen amen…….Selah[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]I glorify the Father in all things in the blessed name of Lord Jesus  I bow down my head & my knees bowed  down to You my Lord God to worship & praise You forever & ever  amen amen amen.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Awaiting Your answers at the earliest with mercy,compassion,love & also with lots of hope & trust in You[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Your's child[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]George chacko[/SIZE]
I prayed for this. in Jesus Christ precious name. Amen

Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

Malachi 4:2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.

Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.
Thank you for giving us the privilege to pray on your behalf. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. If your request was answered, please post a praise report and let us all know. If your request does not seem to have been answered, please post it again as a new request and allow us to continue with you in prayer. We all hope that our prayers are answered in the way that we want. Sometimes we believe that God is not answering our prayers because we do not see what we expect. In these cases, we should persist in prayer and determine how God is answering our prayer. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ.
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