Humble Servant of All
We have to Vellore Tamilnadu India for my father James 70yrs old he's medical visit. Pray so that we will find the right Dr. Who can treat my father's Evey problem. Since he had Ortho operation on July month still he's not able to sleep walk without strecher. He feels pain while walking. Since 4mnts he had medicine but not feeling better. For that we wnto do cross-check with different Dr. And different hospital. He has low blood. For that he used to take iron pill given by Dr. but this made him tight stool. Constipation badly .so left iron pill. Not taking iron pill anymore. And Also he feels spitting evry time. Evry second he spit. Salvia coming out evry second. Not tape worm. It's something else. Exactly we don't know. But it's coming out from Brian. Cannot control his spit. While journy also it's difficult to spit. Have to carry something kind of mug where he can spit. Nd difficult in sleeping in different position only he sleep in straight lying position. Cannot sleep in right left position since my father had Ortho operation. Do pray him. Today we are going to visit medical. Pray request for us to find good right Dr. Give good treatment. Lead us to right medical and Dr. Always guide us wherever we may go. Protection for us. B my father James for his courage and strength to face any difficultys. Strength in walking. Thank Jesus name