202407262235..Recently, after breaking my hip and arm, I was placed in rehabilitation, from the VA Hospital here in Reno, Nevada. The choice community care program with the VA is a wonderful thing. Any Hoohaw, my prayer request is for a United States Department of the Army veteran, who died in my room and his beautiful wife and family. Hon. Mr. ###, or as I would learn to call him later Hon. Mr. ###. The body and the mind are a wonderful thing as well. Most from the Gulf War Era, will probably remember their Drills, enunciating-'its our job to make sure that such and such, secures their appointment with THEIR CREATOR'--Drills.... It was indeed, my 'good pleasure', to turn a phrase with my dear friend Rev. Dr. ###, to be in the company of such a brother, colleague, veteran of the Vietnam war era. May the Almighty, of all of the God's, grant him safe passage into the next phase of existence. Encompassed in the prayer is also for Hon. Mr. ###, and all of his ready assistance, and volunteering to assist Hon. Mr. ###. As I would go on to tell Hon. Mr. ###, concerning ###, 'please don't ask for something, Mr. ###, has a tendency to 'follow through'. Not Like Men that Lie!! De Oppresso Liber, Espirit De Corpe...Only Blessings Hon. Mr. ###..if your family should ever need. Please do find a way to let us know!! Amen, Ameen, Amun, Amin, Aum!!