As I have requested several times for God to lead me as to what to do, I'm in the middle of a very tumultuous divorce! My husband has a free attorney, but I don't have an attorney! I had one, but I had to fire her because I couldn't afford it, charging her on my credit card since December when my husband left! We were married for 6 years; he's not mentally well and he started using drugs again, and the whole marriage was a lie. I know that God hates divorce! I also know that he doesn't like abuse! My heart was broken when he left, but the whole marriage was based on lies. I need to try to interfere with the ministry that I had for years; he operated in a lot of jealousy and false accusations, and it was getting very difficult to function. We bought this house 3 years ago with the help of my mom and the ### down payment assistance! I could not afford rent and neither can my daughter who lives with me; she's 40 years old; she helps me pay the mortgage. My husband is not paid any bills since he left, and there's a five-year order of protection against him. It's a long story, but he tried to get me out of the house and put an order on me, but the truth came out, and the judge put it on him instead! I'm a woman of faith, a minister of the Gospel! I have a Street ministry in which I go out each day and Minister on the streets and a lot to the homeless and drug addicted! Jesus Christ is my everything, my Lord, my savior, the very hair that I breathe that I can't live without him; I need him every second, and I am aware that I'm nothing without him, but this has been one of the toughest trials I've been walking through! I'm asking the Lord for wisdom if I need an attorney and if so that he would give me an attorney for free that would do it unto the Lord or I could find another pro bono. I can't use the same place he's using because it's a conflict of interest. I'm 60 years old; I'm looking for something for seniors for help in Jesus name! Thanks for all your prayers and support; I need him right now; I need his touch like never before, praying that my husband ### will come to repentance such supernatural conviction would come upon him that he would get the help that he needs and he would stop trying to make me sell the house or refinance because I can't afford to do that and bind every Spirit of greed, anger, malice, and spitefulness, slander, accusations, and lies and deception in Jesus name.