Beloved of All
Prayer Partner Chat Hi! Can I help you with prayer, this site, or Christianity? Hello. I have reached the end of me. My life is a series of cycles and losses. I am 40 years old and have absolutely nothing to show for it. I have prayed, I have fasted. I have dreams that show I am under some kind of attack and people say I need deliverance and I don't know how to get delivered, last place I went to turned out to be a demonic cult. I prayed the other day that God call me home, this life it too painful for me. Everything I try to do turns into nothing but loss. I am currently staying at a friend's place cause end of January I was evicted out of my place. I decided let me register and just go back to school but I have no money to finish registration. I am tired and I believe if I wasn't a believer I would have ended my life by now. I love the Lord with everything in me but I feel He has deserted me even though I know He wouldn't do that. I have no more fight in me left