Buryark, thank you for bringing your concern for your coworker ### before us. We are reminded in James 5:13-16, Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the assembly, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick. Confess your offenses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. It is good to know that people can ask for God's intervention for divine healing of a co-worker, supporting this statement with faith and trust in his promises of restoration, healing, and fruitfulness of God for ### when they stand together with her in prayer. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. For this reason, all Christians of good will should come together in an assembly in the name of their Lord to anoint ### with prayers of supplication in the name of Lord Jesus to God and pray over her both for knowledge and actions of her doctors treating her for restoration to health. Also in prayers, of faith to heal any infirmities afflicting her in its entirety in her body. It could be concluded from 1 Peter 1:6-9 that trials expand ###'s faith gold in worth as through fire and with guilelessness of her faith conveys manifested at the revelation glory of our Lord, Jesus Christ in longevity for her healing, solutions, stability and being made whole in active fellowship in with the Holy Spirit; all praises being returned to the unity of their body.
As prayerful persons in 2 Corinthians 1:10-12, their experience for ### regardless of threat to their lives as part their hope has not caused them shame and excited to go beyond ourselves to learn true way of reliance, hope, trust (faith), for support and Godly alternatives in present future help. They understand offering prayer without ceasing, as shown us in I Thessalonians 5:17; for it is can only our fervent, consistent labor of in Christ name that the deliverer, work as way of solution in again making of her ###'s wholeness, enduring with trust steady hope her stability healing,
Romans 8:26-30 relates it is only through deity guidance and insights of Holy Spirit forces we at first attempt to convey pronounced to influence desired understanding in thoughts to strategies to expectations and creation of deliverance protocols a believer can successfully meet intimacy presence with glory of our God sufficiency solutions and togetherness. Thespian communities' continue to show of feedback in so doing reflects our images into acting God purpose as church in lives and triune vessels as signs of believers struggling with possibilities, miracle, restoration and conversations. Hence our persuasion and end thereof realign us to conclude we behold acts and presents of miracles flow to conversations for shared and applied miraculous presents as object of blessings non-parable changes in community verses therefore stand agreeing together to privately ###'s supplicated restoration that
Let us pray to our compassionate Lord Jesus:
Jesus Lord, I thank you for aligning ourselves to converse for healing off your faith daughter in I Name
your mercies and forgiveness off her all her limitations in past in your names. Lord we commit her soul and
body in your mercy hands in supplication for deliverance. Lord I ask that you work with ### and doctors and medical
team and every and all relevant forces in orchestration of solution, resources and needed miracles to rehabilitate her back to good health, Lord please restore ###'s health, heal her heart and body. Give her the strength and raise her out of the hospital enabling her to go home.
Please pray in the mighty name of Jesus saying... Lord Jesus I do pray. Amen. Join Buryark and all the saints and all our prayer community to beseech our Father in name of Lord Jesus in unison to
### and for your needs. Amen.