Prayer Warrior
This is ### writing.
Father in Heaven,
I am requesting prayer for my dad. I believe he is living in adultery with his second wife. I believe one of the reasons why I returned to my hometown without knowing he was here with stage four cancer and a colostomy bag was that God wanted me to see his spiritual rock bottom. I can tell you my dad did not seem too thrilled to have me around after the initial first few visits. The scriptures say God is kind to his enemies and He doesn't want to see the wicked perish. I never approved of my dad's second marriage and didn't attend. My parents spent most of their lives fighting terrible battles that scarred my upbringing, and I have yet to see evidence of their forgiving each other. I have resilience because of Jesus and the significant amount of time I have spent with Him alone. Second marriages can be a stumbling block in the life of the church body, and there is a great debate surrounding the issue of adultery. Jesus has made it clear that if any man divorces his wife and marries another, he commits adultery against her. If a woman divorces and marries another, she also commits adultery. The only condition to remarry is if the former spouse has passed away. The condition for divorce is pornea and abuse, but I am aware that God hates divorce and does not approve of all second marriages.
This is a great prayer request for them because most of my life my dad would not have much to do with me, and to this day he won't study the scriptures. I asked him in person about his Godly studies and offered to take him to a hospital visit. He refused both probably because he knew I wanted to talk seriously. He is not a well man, but I haven't stopped praying for both of them despite the abuse and the ongoing attempts in trying to reach them. My parents still cannot speak well of each other, and my mom is terrible with confrontation or thinking that I am preaching to her when I don't think I am. How can my dad possibly think that his only daughter would have approved of this marriage before he got right with God, and sought to be forgiven? He was angry at me for not saying yes and being involved in his second marriage. He is likely angry at me for many things, but it has been like this since I was born. Perhaps he is angry I was even born. I don't care anymore. I'm familiar with Ecclesiastes chapter 4. I hope he may believe in God, and have the salvific work before he passes away. His body may not see a reconstruction but his soul can be with God. I believe that as long as we are alive, there is still hope, and I can find solace in prayer even if I'm not in a relationship with either of them.
See, he doesn't know God has given me visions that have truly come to pass. Most of them have been warnings that have protected me. I've had a terrible vision of my dad. He was being pulled away into the abyss and his arms were still reaching but they needed to go to God. I told my mom this many years ago. It felt like I dropped in my spirit when I saw this because hell is real.
Many thanks.
Father in Heaven,
I am requesting prayer for my dad. I believe he is living in adultery with his second wife. I believe one of the reasons why I returned to my hometown without knowing he was here with stage four cancer and a colostomy bag was that God wanted me to see his spiritual rock bottom. I can tell you my dad did not seem too thrilled to have me around after the initial first few visits. The scriptures say God is kind to his enemies and He doesn't want to see the wicked perish. I never approved of my dad's second marriage and didn't attend. My parents spent most of their lives fighting terrible battles that scarred my upbringing, and I have yet to see evidence of their forgiving each other. I have resilience because of Jesus and the significant amount of time I have spent with Him alone. Second marriages can be a stumbling block in the life of the church body, and there is a great debate surrounding the issue of adultery. Jesus has made it clear that if any man divorces his wife and marries another, he commits adultery against her. If a woman divorces and marries another, she also commits adultery. The only condition to remarry is if the former spouse has passed away. The condition for divorce is pornea and abuse, but I am aware that God hates divorce and does not approve of all second marriages.
This is a great prayer request for them because most of my life my dad would not have much to do with me, and to this day he won't study the scriptures. I asked him in person about his Godly studies and offered to take him to a hospital visit. He refused both probably because he knew I wanted to talk seriously. He is not a well man, but I haven't stopped praying for both of them despite the abuse and the ongoing attempts in trying to reach them. My parents still cannot speak well of each other, and my mom is terrible with confrontation or thinking that I am preaching to her when I don't think I am. How can my dad possibly think that his only daughter would have approved of this marriage before he got right with God, and sought to be forgiven? He was angry at me for not saying yes and being involved in his second marriage. He is likely angry at me for many things, but it has been like this since I was born. Perhaps he is angry I was even born. I don't care anymore. I'm familiar with Ecclesiastes chapter 4. I hope he may believe in God, and have the salvific work before he passes away. His body may not see a reconstruction but his soul can be with God. I believe that as long as we are alive, there is still hope, and I can find solace in prayer even if I'm not in a relationship with either of them.
See, he doesn't know God has given me visions that have truly come to pass. Most of them have been warnings that have protected me. I've had a terrible vision of my dad. He was being pulled away into the abyss and his arms were still reaching but they needed to go to God. I told my mom this many years ago. It felt like I dropped in my spirit when I saw this because hell is real.
Many thanks.