Servant of All
God I thank You for being my loving God and first loving me. I strive to be the daughter You call me to be with my shortcomings, however I thank You God for Your Grace and Mercy on me.
God I repent for my sins known and unknown. I need Your strength and guidance to deal with the uncertainties and suffering You allow my family and I go through.
Please forgive my family and I of our sins. Please make us strong in the Faith of Jesus Christ, praying together and reading Your Word together and give us Your peace which surpasses all understanding.
God I pray my husband and son would yield to Your Holy Spirit. I pray they be obedient to Your Word, trusting you with all the heart and all their mind. I pray in Jesus name that my husband and son will have a hunger and thirst after righteousness.
I pray my husband only desires me as his wife, companion, good thing, partner for life, call, only attracted to, only sexually attracted to, only craves my body.
I pray in Jesus name that the heart of my husband be turned away from us, fornication, adultery, lies, deceit.
I pray by faith in Jesus name asking the Lord to give my husband the heart to tell the truth, to love me like Christ loves the church, to be kind and gentle with me and to live with me and be not be bitter towards me. By faith we will work together for the kingdom of God, be equally yoked, having the same faith of Jesus Christ, worshiping Jesus together in spirit and truth, praying together, reading the words together, not keeping secrets and be open to an consider of one another’s feelings.
In this marriage I decree and declare that we are only made for each other by God for a holy matrimony, no one else is a part of a holy matrimony union, I believe by faith God will keep all the outsiders from our marriage and trying to interfere in our marriage in Jesus name amen.
God I repent for my sins known and unknown. I need Your strength and guidance to deal with the uncertainties and suffering You allow my family and I go through.
Please forgive my family and I of our sins. Please make us strong in the Faith of Jesus Christ, praying together and reading Your Word together and give us Your peace which surpasses all understanding.
God I pray my husband and son would yield to Your Holy Spirit. I pray they be obedient to Your Word, trusting you with all the heart and all their mind. I pray in Jesus name that my husband and son will have a hunger and thirst after righteousness.
I pray my husband only desires me as his wife, companion, good thing, partner for life, call, only attracted to, only sexually attracted to, only craves my body.
I pray in Jesus name that the heart of my husband be turned away from us, fornication, adultery, lies, deceit.
I pray by faith in Jesus name asking the Lord to give my husband the heart to tell the truth, to love me like Christ loves the church, to be kind and gentle with me and to live with me and be not be bitter towards me. By faith we will work together for the kingdom of God, be equally yoked, having the same faith of Jesus Christ, worshiping Jesus together in spirit and truth, praying together, reading the words together, not keeping secrets and be open to an consider of one another’s feelings.
In this marriage I decree and declare that we are only made for each other by God for a holy matrimony, no one else is a part of a holy matrimony union, I believe by faith God will keep all the outsiders from our marriage and trying to interfere in our marriage in Jesus name amen.