We would like to request prayer for healing, in this family, we all have problems, situations in life. We must learn to take it to the Lord in prayer, In Jesus name we pray. Instead of trying to make a person or persons life miserable, because of the mistakes, you have made, and you figure, there is no way out. Some have did this to others, and it is visible, to those like myself, can see right through it. We pray that the family members, get their lives together, because we owe them nothing. We pray for change, and pray it soon comes, because things can get worse. Not to be used, and pray, my daughter, isn't being abused mentally, physically, I don't see. I pray that I'm incorrect, about my thoughts. And it's better than that. Some people play games to get, what they want, and the other feel they owe the other person, something. When they had nothing in the beginning, but talk, and they were vulnerable, coming out of an abusive relationship, over the years. Thank You For Your Prayers.