Prayer Warrior
Hi, ### writing. This is a prayer request for the persecuted. Much of this information I'm sharing is as of 2023.
North Korea
###'s leadership in North Korea prohibits anyone from owning a bible or meeting for worship and fellowship. The government has enacted a law against reactionary thinking. Christians have to hide in secret places to meet, and if caught, they are sent to labor camps or prisons. There are currently tens of thousands in labor camps. The guards seek to destroy Christian purity and the dignity of the women by rape and other forms of sexual assault. 80 % of North Korean defectors are women. Some flee to China, but when caught, they are raped, human trafficked, and some become pregnant. North Koreans consider the unborn child of Christians to be tainted. Patriarchal control in North Korea is relentlessly focused on men. Their jobs require permanency without any hope of escape. There are 1% or 400,000 Christians in N.K. The ones who are repatriated back to North Korea are forced into aborting their unborn child. They need prayer. The brothers in North Korea need prayer for their safety, and being open to forgiveness and mercy. Men are severely punished. No freedom at all for Christians.
No place for Christians. They want to eradicate all of Christianity. It is illegal to evangelize or convert anyone to the faith of Christ. They are Muslim, and mostly clan-based mindset. Women cannot choose any other faith or be allowed a voice. They humiliate all who convert and will place many under house arrest. Women can be forcibly married to Muslim men. They adhere to the strict Islamic faith.
Yemen is full of Islamic extremists who are mostly Muslim. 1% are Christians. It is extremely dangerous to convert to Christ's faith. They are a tribal country with tribal laws. Persecutors include the government and Islamic Extremist groups.
Totalitarian government. They are a hermit-type kingdom. In 2002, they banned all religions except Roman Catholicism, Lutheran, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity. Anyone who follows Jesus outside of these recognized churches runs a constant risk. The government monitors all the churches very closely. The clergy, attendees, and others are not allowed to talk about persecution or ecclesiastical matters at all. The government monitors all citizens. House-to-house raids occur to round up Christians. They have to meet in secret. Eritrea has some of the harshest imprisonment. They give limited rations and place prisoners in containers in extreme heat for years. When released after long sentencing, they are black-listed from the government, cannot support their families because employment won't be allowed or offered, are constantly watched, and lose opportunities.
Lybia has three opposing governments fighting for control. Many missionaries and native believers have been murdered in recent years. The infrastructure is destroyed. All evangelism faces cruel opposition. 97% are Suni Muslims. 2% are Christians. Many are kidnapped, violently murdered, sexually assaulted, house arrest, human trafficked, or victims of extremist groups.
Nigeria is a Caliphate Islamic State. Christians in the north are terrorized with impunity by Islamic terrorists. Every year more believers are killed for their faith than in the rest of the world combined. Believers are stripped of their livelihoods and driven from their homes. They endure sexual violence and murder.
Blasphemy laws against the Quran, Muhammed, and Islam are illegal. Harsh punishments when convicted. 1.8% of the population are Christian. The attacks are in public, and subtle. Christians' professions are considered inferior, degrading, and dirty. Many are called Chura, meaning dirty.
Iran has an increasingly strict Islamic regime. None are permitted to read the bible in Farsi, nor have any contact with Christians who convert from Islam. If you are caught supporting converts, you go to jail. It is illegal to convert to Christianity. Iran thinks Christ's conversion has something to do with the West. They think the West intends to dismantle and weaken their authority.
Faith in Jesus has to be in secret. There are approximately 41 million people there and a very small percentage are Christians'. The Taliban says there are no Christians. They will flog and torture converts. A small number are martyred every year. Prison is not common. Christians' are often murdered by their families.
Full of Islamic Extremists. More than 165 churches closed. There is looting, sexual abuse, and kidnappings, and many keep their faith a secret. Women lose children and are sometimes forced into marriage. Men are driven into extreme poverty, beatings, and workplace harassment.
Hebrews 13:3 English Standard Version 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.
North Korea
###'s leadership in North Korea prohibits anyone from owning a bible or meeting for worship and fellowship. The government has enacted a law against reactionary thinking. Christians have to hide in secret places to meet, and if caught, they are sent to labor camps or prisons. There are currently tens of thousands in labor camps. The guards seek to destroy Christian purity and the dignity of the women by rape and other forms of sexual assault. 80 % of North Korean defectors are women. Some flee to China, but when caught, they are raped, human trafficked, and some become pregnant. North Koreans consider the unborn child of Christians to be tainted. Patriarchal control in North Korea is relentlessly focused on men. Their jobs require permanency without any hope of escape. There are 1% or 400,000 Christians in N.K. The ones who are repatriated back to North Korea are forced into aborting their unborn child. They need prayer. The brothers in North Korea need prayer for their safety, and being open to forgiveness and mercy. Men are severely punished. No freedom at all for Christians.
No place for Christians. They want to eradicate all of Christianity. It is illegal to evangelize or convert anyone to the faith of Christ. They are Muslim, and mostly clan-based mindset. Women cannot choose any other faith or be allowed a voice. They humiliate all who convert and will place many under house arrest. Women can be forcibly married to Muslim men. They adhere to the strict Islamic faith.
Yemen is full of Islamic extremists who are mostly Muslim. 1% are Christians. It is extremely dangerous to convert to Christ's faith. They are a tribal country with tribal laws. Persecutors include the government and Islamic Extremist groups.
Totalitarian government. They are a hermit-type kingdom. In 2002, they banned all religions except Roman Catholicism, Lutheran, Islam, and Orthodox Christianity. Anyone who follows Jesus outside of these recognized churches runs a constant risk. The government monitors all the churches very closely. The clergy, attendees, and others are not allowed to talk about persecution or ecclesiastical matters at all. The government monitors all citizens. House-to-house raids occur to round up Christians. They have to meet in secret. Eritrea has some of the harshest imprisonment. They give limited rations and place prisoners in containers in extreme heat for years. When released after long sentencing, they are black-listed from the government, cannot support their families because employment won't be allowed or offered, are constantly watched, and lose opportunities.
Lybia has three opposing governments fighting for control. Many missionaries and native believers have been murdered in recent years. The infrastructure is destroyed. All evangelism faces cruel opposition. 97% are Suni Muslims. 2% are Christians. Many are kidnapped, violently murdered, sexually assaulted, house arrest, human trafficked, or victims of extremist groups.
Nigeria is a Caliphate Islamic State. Christians in the north are terrorized with impunity by Islamic terrorists. Every year more believers are killed for their faith than in the rest of the world combined. Believers are stripped of their livelihoods and driven from their homes. They endure sexual violence and murder.
Blasphemy laws against the Quran, Muhammed, and Islam are illegal. Harsh punishments when convicted. 1.8% of the population are Christian. The attacks are in public, and subtle. Christians' professions are considered inferior, degrading, and dirty. Many are called Chura, meaning dirty.
Iran has an increasingly strict Islamic regime. None are permitted to read the bible in Farsi, nor have any contact with Christians who convert from Islam. If you are caught supporting converts, you go to jail. It is illegal to convert to Christianity. Iran thinks Christ's conversion has something to do with the West. They think the West intends to dismantle and weaken their authority.
Faith in Jesus has to be in secret. There are approximately 41 million people there and a very small percentage are Christians'. The Taliban says there are no Christians. They will flog and torture converts. A small number are martyred every year. Prison is not common. Christians' are often murdered by their families.
Full of Islamic Extremists. More than 165 churches closed. There is looting, sexual abuse, and kidnappings, and many keep their faith a secret. Women lose children and are sometimes forced into marriage. Men are driven into extreme poverty, beatings, and workplace harassment.
Hebrews 13:3 English Standard Version 3 Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.