Beloved of All
Father, we come to you to worship and praise your Holy and Majestic Name, thanks you that you are the God of ALL and Jesus Christ is your son. Thanking your for loving us so much even when some of us didn't love ourselves. We praise you oh God! Father we ask you to forgive us for our sins of omission and commission. And we thank you for doing so. Father for those who are not saved we ask you to give them hearts and ears to hear your word and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and baptized them in the Holy Spirit. For those of us who are saved we ask for a New infilling of your precious Holy Spirit. Help us to do the work you have called us to do. Your Kingdom come Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Lord we pray for the leaders, pastors, elders, missionaries, evangelists in the body of Christ all over the world. We ask you to keep them men and women after your own heart. And that they not look to the left or to the right, but keep their eyes and hearts stayed on you Lord. Deliver them from temptations Lord. We ask you to awaken the churches to teach the whole word of you, to put Jesus at the center and allow your Holy Spirit to move to set people free. Help the church leaders in to remember that your word says in Zechariah 4, not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit says the Lord of Host. Father your people need deliverance and we believe your word and thank you for the opportunity to come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in the time of need according to Hebrew 4:16. We thank you that one can chase a thousand to flight and two can chase ten thousand to flight. And before we called on you in our times of need that you have already answered us! We thank you Lord that your word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood that you Will lift up a standard against him. Father, this month the world celebrates sin and we your people are not in agreement with this! We ask you to give all of them a mind to be saved and turn from their wicked ways before it is too late.
So we shout Grace to these mountains and in advance for the manifested answered prayers! Let your Glory fill our homes, schools, jobs, businesses, communities, churches and families. And we thank you that you have heard our prayer, in Jesus name to God be the Glory Amen!
Lord we pray for the leaders, pastors, elders, missionaries, evangelists in the body of Christ all over the world. We ask you to keep them men and women after your own heart. And that they not look to the left or to the right, but keep their eyes and hearts stayed on you Lord. Deliver them from temptations Lord. We ask you to awaken the churches to teach the whole word of you, to put Jesus at the center and allow your Holy Spirit to move to set people free. Help the church leaders in to remember that your word says in Zechariah 4, not by might, nor by power but by Your Spirit says the Lord of Host. Father your people need deliverance and we believe your word and thank you for the opportunity to come boldly to the throne of grace to find help in the time of need according to Hebrew 4:16. We thank you that one can chase a thousand to flight and two can chase ten thousand to flight. And before we called on you in our times of need that you have already answered us! We thank you Lord that your word says that when the enemy comes in like a flood that you Will lift up a standard against him. Father, this month the world celebrates sin and we your people are not in agreement with this! We ask you to give all of them a mind to be saved and turn from their wicked ways before it is too late.
So we shout Grace to these mountains and in advance for the manifested answered prayers! Let your Glory fill our homes, schools, jobs, businesses, communities, churches and families. And we thank you that you have heard our prayer, in Jesus name to God be the Glory Amen!