6 months ago I broke my ex fiance's heart when I said I needed a break because of the stress from school (master's program). We were both running on fumes since we both had issues we were dealing with. I hurt her terribly and I regret my actions so much. I still have feelings for her and she's the one I want to marry but because of our current situation, she only sees me as a friend. My friends say that I'm too obsessed and haven't supported me so I'm fighting this battle on my own as I'm in a foreign country without my family. Some days the stress is too high that I'm too numb to do anything and begin to have doubts, but I can't shake the feeling that she's the one for me. Please pray for God to strengthen me and provide me with what I need to be successful and pray that God will soften her heart to forgive me and come back so we can restart our relationship.
Thank you all for your prayers
God bless you!
Thank you all for your prayers