Lord, please help us to sell our old house quickly and profitably. Please act as our realtor and find someone that would fit well in the house and take care of it. Please bless the house and everyone that walks in the house and fill it with your love and remove all evil from the house. Please let both my husband and I to forgive our previous tenant for all of the damage she caused to the house and property. Thank you for giving us the resources to fix the house and make it wonderful again. Please help us to sell the house profitably so that we may make up for the cost of fixing the house. Please help the house to sell quickly so that we can worry less about finances. Please help our previous tenant to see you and learn about you. I know that the only way we can accomplish anything in life is through you Lord, so please help us to sell the house quickly and profitably. Thank you for your constant love and all of the blessings you have given me and my family. Please help us all to continue our path towards you and bless us all with your love. Amen.