
Dear Prayer Partners
Thank you so much for your prayers lately. I am so glad to be able to be back on this site! It is such a blessing for all!
I pray for you and your needs and for the creators of this site! May God pour his many blessings upon you all.
I am now asking for prayer for my overwhelming loneliness.
Past 10 years
As some of you are aware I had a brain bleed and have had brain damage for the past several years. I have hypo thyroid and adrenal insufficiency
as well as was suffering from migraines and chronic pain and many other ailments which were connected. My body was shutting down. I was soooooo tired that I was up very little and then had to have nap.
And, I had to pay for any activity I did for days by sleeping.
There came a time, where I quit my job, quit my church activities, then attending, and only concentrated on my daughter and son and husband. But, I did not do a good job of that.
I have lost all my friends because I had no energy to visit them and our relationship was pretty much one sided as I live around 25 minutes from the town.
So, being a people person and usually funny and outgoing stopped. And, loneliness enveloped me.
I gradually have been healing, thanks to my wonderful specialist! And I praise God that I was referred to him finally after years of confusion and searching.
I am now ready to try going to church again and hoping to make some friends again.
My husband works away as Paramedic and then farms our 2 1/2 section grain farm when home. He has no hobbies. I just bought him golf lessons for his birthday.
We have never done much together except grocery shopping and the odd movie. And to be blunt he does not kiss me except a peck. Any touching is to the point and pre-quick. I don't feel very loved.
I used to fill my days with sunday school, singing on the worship team, and ladies ministries...still wished to love my husband but was filling time with ladies. Then I had to quit all that because of
my confused mind and lack of stamina. I had to nap after I drove to town in a parking lot or a park. I lost my singing voice, and my ability to play the piano and pretty well everything.
My hands are weak now and I drop the lightest things, pick them up, only to drop them again.
However, I am so much better now. But, my loneliness has started to shout at me now. My daughter has recently made a few friends and I am no longer her best friend, which I had been. This was my prayer for her.
Because she deserves some real friends that are her age. And, I know that I need to let her go. So, I call my mom who lives over 3 hours away almost everyday. That is my social life.
I say hi to the odd person from my past at the grocery store or on -banned site-. But, this does not fill the huge gaping void for human contact in my heart.
I love the Lord my God with all my heart but I have also cut back on Him. I just was tooo exhausted. It is like always having a bad flu my doctor said. Aches and pains and exhaustion.
With the help of my specialist, I have been getting better. My mind is getting better, and I can even think more clearly with medication during the day! I have started to try to play the piano.
And have started trying to clean up my neglected house and yard and laundry piles I have a long way to go.
My husband is very disappointed in me and has even said "shame on you, shame on you" like one would a dog. He yells at me a lot when he comes home after four days away....because he
doesn't see much progress.
So, I guess I am asking for prayer for my extreme loneliness, energy and desire to clean up this cluttered neglected mess, for a miracle in my husband and my relationship (In every area), for a few woman friends,
for a few couple friends, and for a better relationship with my son and daughter and our families.
I used to remember birthdays and anniversaries and give little gifts or send pretty cards, but I have forgotten for so long now, I would love prayer to become thoughtful and kind again.
I do not want to leave my husband, but I am extremely unhappy living here. I need prayer to find a purpose for my life now that I am getting energy back and my daughter will be leaving soon.
I never did much with my life. And I will be 50 this september, I would love to do something that would fill my days and help others as well. Thank you for the time you took to read this long thing.
In Jesus Precious Name I pray for these things and for all the needs of those praying for me.
(I am sorry that I can not type a prayer response now to any of you, I will be back!)
But I am soooooo tired now. bev xo
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