Disciple of Prayer
God, you know my sins, you know the wickedness that lies with in my heart. Father God please deliver me from a deceitful heart and desires that are not in kine with your will. Deliver my thoughts and my tongue from speaking evil words. Bind up every root of anger or malice or resentment and pull them out by their roots ABBA. Holy Spirit, fill up those places that have been delivered with your presence and with the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. Fill me every day and stengthen me in stature and in character that is pleasing unto you. I know you are speaking God and guiding me. I can see through my circumstances that the walls that once separated me from you are being broken down. I pray to seek your presence and have your loving kindness and compassion fill my heart in ways that will transform me from the inside out to be a servant and a faithful daughter to you LORD. Thank you, for how far you've brought me. Thank you for your healing and your mercy and grace. I stand in awe of how much you've done for me, in me and through me. I pray for us your children, the body of Christ that you would continue to draw us near to you and deepen our relationship with you and that we would see your wonderful works evident within our churches, our families and our friends and community. Please work in and through us to bring healing, restoration and salvation and hope to so many people in need of you. Prepare hearts to receive your gospel of salvation, equip your churches to edifying, and educate and mold disciples in Christ Jesus. Organize divine appointments and please LORD help those who are oppressed for ###, my old deaconess friend, Mrs. ### and her long stand covid and her heart, for Mrs. ### and so many other elderly who needs your healing and comfort. For our homeless friends God, who are in bondage to addiction or mental health trauma and abuse break the bonds of oppression Jesus, set the captives free. For those deceived and in bondage to the occult practices LORD Jesus show them the Holiness and purity of your truth and your light that exposes false light and cast out the work if witchcraft in our churches God. For the men in the church - give them strength and courage to be leaders that honor you and desire to lead and love their wives as Christ loves the church, shield their eyes from temptations LORD. For the women in the church that they be raised to honor one another and encourage each other in the faith and in womanhood and wifehood shield their minds from useless talk and their hearts from gossip and temptations. For the elders and pastors, priests and lay people - may we all be filled with your Holy Spirit with a burning desire to honor you, render our hearts to you and walk in obedience to your ways LORD. In Jesus name I pray, may this nation if possible turn its heart back to you like Nineveh in the days of Jonah. Amen.