Father,we come againstthe evil agenda to confuse and coerce our children into sexual and gender confusion.We come againstthe evil agenda to allowchildren to make health decisions of any kindwithout a parent’s consent.God, You have given us authority over our children.Itis ourjob to train them up and teach them theway they should go.Wewill not relinquish thatGod-given rightto anyone, especially to thosewho can harm our children. Jesussaid, “Butwhoever causes one ofthese little oneswho believe in me to sin, itwould be betterfor him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth ofthe sea.”God,Iremind You ofthisWord.We pray thatthe leaders of our nationwho are promoting this agenda, aswell asthe heads of hospitals and schools,will be held accountable to You and to the parents.We ask forjustice in this area.Intervene for our children Lord, and dealwith those who are leading our children into sin! ThroughChrist,we have been given all authority over allthe power ofthe enemy.We exercise that authority today and bind up this evil agenda in Jesus’ name and send it back towhere it came from.We ask You to stop every school nurse, every medical office, every Planned Parenthood, every hospital, and anyone elsewho is allowing children to choose abortion, gendertreatments, vaccines, or any other medicaltreatmentwithout parental consent. Remove them now, Lord. We cry outto You for mercy.We cry outto You for our children and forthose childrenwho are confused and choosing a path they should notwalk on.We ask You to save them God! Save them from this evil, in Jesus’ name. Reveal Yourselfto them in away they can understand and guide them back to a good path, a pure and holy path, a path that does notlead to death. Thiswe ask in Jesus’ name. We declare today, noweapon formed against our children, orthe children ofthis nation,will prosper.NOWEAPON formedwill prosperin Jesus’ name.We ask You to bind up every evilspiritthatisworking against our children.We ask You to cast deceiving, lying, controlling spirits farfrom them, in Jesus’ name. We pray that Your Presencewould guard and surround our children.We ask for angelsto encamp about our children daily.We pray our childrenwill hearthe voice oftheGood Shepherd and the voice of anothertheywill notfollowor even listen to. Intercessors f