Beloved of All
Please pray for me. I really dislike my boss, and it has gotten to the point that it's hard for me to pray for him because of some of the stuff he's done. Honestly at times I may even hate him and I know that is very wrong. He calls himself a Christian but does not act Christian from his pettiness, pride, jealousy, controlling spirit, rudeness, and complaining. I truly feel he does not want me to succeed, and enjoys lording his power over others and would do it more if he could. But I know I am called to pray for him - it's just my heart is so hard toward him now as I've seen how he's treated me and others and his character. Please pray it softens. That I believe he can change, and he does begin to change. And please pray that I would stand up for myself when necessary and that God might even give me a chance to speak honestly to him but in a calm, respectful, gracious, and truthful way and that he would listen and respond in a Christian manner. Please pray that I will finish my time at this job well, and leave in peace and finish the assignment God has for me there. I know my boss does have good characteristics and he could be such a great servant leader if he would yield to the Holy Spirit's conviction and refinement so please pray that happens. Please pray he will look more like Jesus and become a better boss, leader, husband, father, and friend. Pray he will hear my ideas and others' ideas and encourage us to step out and take more responsibility and not just hate on others' ideas out of pride or envy. Pray he will stop joking inappropriately and be convicted about his behavior. Pray he will repent for mean things he has done to others. And please pray my heart softens and God encourages me to continue to pray and believe.